Powerful Delta Variant |
![Powerful Delta Variant | Powerful Delta Variant |](,748)
A delta variant of COVID-19 was found in Vermont, but doctors reminded residents on Thursday that vaccination would continue to be a very effective defense against the virus.
Dr. Rick Hildebrandt, Chief Medical Information Officer and Director of Hospital Medicine at the Latland Community Medical Center, said vaccinations that had been available for several months were “very effective against delta mutants.” ..
“If people are vaccinated, they are very protected. But if they are not vaccinated, the risk to COVID just a few months ago is much higher. This is very. It is highly contagious, people get sick, and some of the treatments used for COVID are not very effective, “he said.
Dr. Mark Levine, Commissioner of the Vermont Department of Health, said the state is currently doing whole-genome sequencing in its own laboratory, and delta variants have been found in Chittenden County, returning travelers, and Central. Vermont from a domestic traveler who said he used it to confirm that. The cause of the third case was unknown.
“The real conclusion is that because of the high vaccination rate, even those who are actively infected with the Delta variation are stopped because the virus hits the wall and cannot infect the next person. , Because if the person is 12 years of age or older, the person is already vaccinated, “he said.
Hildebrand explained that understanding the virus is important for understanding the variants.
“Viruses are organisms that have the only job, or purpose, to spread from person to person. They infect our cells, take over the machinery of our cells, and spread further. We do that by making millions, millions, and millions of copies, which can lead to small errors in the genetic material of the virus, “he said.
Many of the changes are ineffective, but mutations can change the protein structure of the virus and make it more effective for the purpose of spreading.
Variants are being tracked by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Hildebrand states that the predominant COVID strain in Vermont is now an alpha variant.
Hildebrand added that the Delta variant was first identified in India and then spread to Europe.
There are three reasons to worry about delta variants.
First, while COVID is highly contagious, delta variants are even more contagious than alpha variants, which are now common in Vermont.
“What that means is that if you haven’t been vaccinated, you’ll probably get a COVID, a period,” he said.
Hildebrand noted a recent new report stating that about 30% of new cases in the United States were caused by delta mutations. Spreads are in the “exponential stage,” Hildebrand said.
“In the very near future, all cases of COVID are very likely to be associated with this delta mutation …. As we have seen in other countries, it is very likely that the entire United States will be infected with delta variability. Seems like, “he said.
In Vermont, qualified adults have an immunization rate of about 81%, but Hildebrand said Vermont, like all states, has open borders and some other states have immunization rates. I pointed out that it was low.
Second, delta fluctuations are more likely to make people sick and bring patients in need of hospitalization or emergency care.
Finally, some treatments used for COVID are less effective against delta mutants.
“Vaccination is effective against delta mutants,” Hildebrand said.
Children under the age of 12 have not yet been vaccinated. “The best we can do to protect our children is to vaccinate ourselves,” Hildebrand said.
Eligible Vermonter vaccination rates are currently just over 81%, but Levine said health officials want to encourage more Vermonters to be vaccinated to improve rates. He said he hopes the presence of the delta mutant will be part of a campaign to encourage people to vaccinate.
Levine said there aren’t many people in Vermont who oppose the vaccine, indicating that nearly 20% of those who haven’t been vaccinated may be vaccinated. It was.
Vaccinations are available at pharmacies and most primary care clinics.
patrick.mcardle @
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