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Take this test to find out your risk of developing dementia

Take this test to find out your risk of developing dementia


Experts have shown that understanding your brain health may be the key to finding your risk of dementia.

Researchers have developed an online calculator that calculates the likelihood of developing dementia over the next five years for people over the age of 55.

Dementia can affect thinking, reasoning, and memory


Dementia can affect thinking, reasoning, and memoryCredit: Getty

Dementia affects 850,000 people across the UK and at the same time causes pain in millions of families.

Dementia, which comes in many forms and forms, is a general term used to describe a severe decline in mental capacity that interferes with daily life.

Known for problems with thinking, reasoning, and memory. Because these are the areas of damage in the brain.

The methodology behind the new tools developed by experts at the University of Ottawa Ottawa Hospital was published today in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community.

Tools you can access HereUse the following factors to determine your risk of illness:

It takes into account:

  • age
  • Smoking status and lifetime exposure
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Physical activity
  • stress
  • diet
  • Attribution
  • Ethnicity
  • Immigration status
  • Socio-economic situation in the neighborhood
  • education
  • Activities that need support
  • marital status
  • Number of languages ​​spoken
  • Health
The calculator asks a series of questions based on your health and lifestyle


The calculator asks a series of questions based on your health and lifestyleCredit: BigLife

By using the tool, individuals are given advice on areas of their lives that need to be changed and improved to reduce risk.

Dr. Peter Tanuseputro, senior author of the study and scientist at Ottawa Hospital, explains:

He added that the coronavirus pandemic has revealed that socio-economic factors such as education and the area in which you live have a significant impact on our overall health and susceptibility to illness. It was.

“It is important to include these variables in the tool to help policy makers understand how different populations are affected by dementia and ensure that preventive strategies are fair. “I did,” he added.

The calculator was based on data from the Canadian Statistics Canada Community Health Survey of 75,000 people.

According to experts, this calculator can be applied to more than 100 countries around the world.

After calculating your score, you will get results.For example, you can see that you may be diagnosed with dementia in the next 5 years


After calculating your score, you will get results.For example, you can see that you may be diagnosed with dementia in the next 5 years

What is dementia? What are the symptoms that need attention?

Dementia is a general term for a severe decline in mental capacity that interferes with daily life.

Known for problems with thinking, reasoning, and memory. Because these are the areas of damage in the brain.

There are different types of dementia. Each is associated with a particular type of brain cell damage.

The symptoms of dementia that someone has depends on which part of the brain is getting worse.

Dementia can be divided into two major groups, but some conditions fall into both categories.

  • Cortex, which causes severe amnesia (as seen in Alzheimer’s disease).
  • Under the cortex, it affects thinking speed and activity (as seen in Parkinson’s disease).

Symptoms of dementia depend on the cause. However, the common signs and symptoms are:

Cognitive changes:

  • Amnesia, which is usually noticed by a spouse or someone else
  • Confusion and disorientation such as not knowing the place and time


  • Communication and language discovery
  • Following the conversation
  • Visual and spatial abilities such as getting lost while driving
  • Inference or problem solving
  • Handling complex tasks
  • Planning and organizing
  • Has coordination and motor function

Psychological changes:

  • Personality change
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • Inappropriate behavior
  • paranoia
  • Stir
  • Hallucinations

Symptoms specific to Alzheimer’s disease are:

  • Memory problems such as recent events, names, and regular forgetting of faces
  • Ask repeatedly
  • Increasing difficulty in tasks and activities that require organization and planning
  • Confused in an unfamiliar environment
  • Difficult to find the right word
  • Difficulty in handling numbers and money in stores
  • More withdrawal and anxiety

Dr. Stacy Fisher, the lead author of the study, added that people have everything they need to use a calculator from the comfort of their home.

She states: “What makes this dementia risk calculator stand out is that you don’t have to see a doctor for the test.”

There is no cure for dementia, but one-third of cases can be prevented by lifestyle factors. Some things like alcohol consumption and meals are displayed on the calculator.

Click to find out the risk of dementia Here..

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