German Study of Infection Rate-According to the Scottish Sun, almost 8 million British people are already infected with the coronavirus and may have survived
A German study of German mortality could mean that 7.9 million British are infected with the coronavirus.
A research paper by the University of Bonn suggests that the true total number of infections can be more than 40 times the official UK figure and 10 times in Germany.
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Researchers investigated the town of Gangert, one of the worst affected towns in Germany, and calculated a coronavirus infection mortality rate of 0.37%.
From this figure, scientists estimated that Germany must have 10 times more infectious diseases than it initially thought-with a potential of 1.8 million.
The official numbers record 166,424 infections and 6,993 deaths, but in order to get the number of 0.37% you have to have nearly 2 million infections to take into account the number of deaths. Hmm.
The research author, Professor Hendrick Streak, said he could confidently “guess” the totals from the data.
And this same work applied to the United Kingdom has adopted the latest official number of 29,424, and the total number of infections is 7.9 million, more than 40 times more than the official number of 194,990. I will.
This does not take into account potential deaths not recorded in the equation.
The death toll means that millions of British people may have survived the deadly virus when compared to the potential figures.
It is widely believed that infections are underestimated for a variety of reasons, including lack of testing and asymptomatic cases, and the coronavirus may reach Europe in November.
Many other factors also influence mortality-like lifestyle, it may not be possible to estimate country-wide. Countries are also at various stages of a pandemic.
Extensive testing has been conducted in Germany since the outbreak began, and it is known that a large number of contact traces are being made to track other cases.
This is because the other European countries, Britain, France, Italy, and Spain are approaching 30,000 dire milestones, so the official total number of infections is very high, along with the relatively low death toll.
The German study has only published its preliminary results and has not yet been peer reviewed for publication in scientific journals.
Professor Streeck and co-author Professor Gunther Hartmann remind us of the risk of infection by an unidentified virus carrier as European countries are beginning to ease blockades under the threat of the second wave. Said yes.
“This result helps to further improve the model for calculating how a virus spreads. So far, the underlying data has been relatively weak.”
The team analyzed blood and nasal swabs from a random sample of 919 people living in Gangerd and derived a mortality rate of 0.37%.
They also found that about 1 in 5 people infected had no symptoms of the virus.
Applying to the UK recommended value of 7.9 million, you would be totally unaware that up to 1.88 million carriers are infected with coronaviruses.
Martin Exner, head of the Institute of Public Health at the University of Bonn and co-author of the study, said: It cannot be reliably identified based on recognizable disease symptoms. “
“All the supposedly healthy people we come across can unknowingly carry the virus. We need to be aware of this and act accordingly.”
As the paper proceeded to be reviewed by other scientists, researchers said the research resulted in the need for continued social distance.
Last month, experts at the University of Göttingen published a study that suggested that the national total should amount to millions.
They estimated that by the end of March, 2 million had been infected, 6 million in Spain and 12 million in the United States.
Tracking accurate numbers about infections is very difficult, making it even more difficult for ministers to make decisions about mitigating lockdowns-an unknown carrier potentially widens a catastrophic second wave. ing.
There are more than 1.2 million coronavirus tests in the UK, and people are asking if that is enough.
First Secretary-General Dominic Clave today reminded the British that the next stage of a pandemic was “not easy” and urged people not to be “under the illusion” of easing the blockade.
The UK will receive updates on the mitigation of measures when Prime Minister Boris Johnson addresses the country on May 7. Two of the government’s five major tests are considered pre-filled.
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