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A new way to accurately and quickly detect COVID-19 from Phone Swab, Health News, ET Health World

A new way to accurately and quickly detect COVID-19 from Phone Swab, Health News, ET Health World


A new way to accurately and quickly detect COVID-19 from phone swabsResearchers have developed a non-invasive, low-cost method that enables accurate and rapid detection of Covid-19 using samples taken from the screen of a smartphone.Researchers from University of London The UK (UCL) analyzed swabs from mobile screens rather than directly from people using methods such as: Phone screen test (Position).

They also found that people who tested positive on regular nasal swab PCR tests were also positive when samples were taken from the screen of their smartphones.

In the new method described in Tuesday’s journal eLife, COVID-19 virus 81 to 100 percent of highly contagious people on the phone Viral load, Suggests that it is as accurate as the antigen test.

Researchers point out that global aggressive screening of COVID-19 remains a priority, new variants continue to emerge, and vaccination deployments are not guaranteed in many countries. did.

However, testing can be expensive and physically unpleasant, both of which are major hurdles on the road to effective testing and tracing systems, they said.

According to researchers, PoST is non-invasive and cheaper than traditional nasal swab PCR because it is an environmental trial rather than a clinical trial.

Not only is this suitable for deployment in low-income countries, but it also means that it may eliminate the discomfort of current COVID-19 testing options and increase the adoption of routine testing among the general public. I will.

The team said PoST sampling takes less than a minute and does not require medical personnel, facilitating mass adoption in large facilities and large applications.

“Like many, I was very worried about the economic and social implications of a pandemic, especially in low-income countries,” said Rodrigo Young of the UCL Eye Institute.

“PoST is a method that can be used to contain new spontaneous and artificial virus outbreaks, not only to make COVID-19 outbreaks much easier, but also to avoid future pandemics,” Young said. Stated.

The machine is currently being developed by the Chilean startup Diagnosis Biotech, founded by Young, and based on this research, it can securely pick up the phone for PoST sampling and deliver the results directly via SMS for contact. Minimize.


What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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