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“Fleeting” contact claims disputed by the World Health Organization


When Victorian officials described the nature of the virus in the community in early June, they used two terms: “stranger-to-stranger transmission” and “fleet contact.”

This phrase was used to inform how delta variants have been passed down between individuals who were not in close contact with each other.

Authorities, including Covid-19 Commander Jeron Weimar of Victoria, said there were five cases of stranger-to-stranger transmission.

“This is a very, relatively fleeting contact,” he told reporters. “They don’t know each other’s names, and it’s very different from what we’ve seen before.”

In a similar story in New South Wales last week, Prime Minister Gladys Berejikrian described a “terrifyingly fleeting” encounter between strangers.

Relation: NSW records 12 new local cases

An example would be Bondi Junction Meyer, where two people are walking past each other. This is a CCTV captured transmission.

In Queensland, Chief Health Officer Dr. Janet Young explained a similar phenomenon.

“There are very fleeting contacts in the Delta variants that lead to infection,” said Dr. Young.

“At the beginning of this pandemic, I said that 15 minutes of close contact was a concern. Now it seems that 5 to 10 seconds are a concern. The risk is much more than just a year ago. It’s getting higher. “

However, questions have been raised about Australia using the term “fleet” to explain how highly infectious delta mutants are spreading.

As reported by Sydney Morning Herald, World Health Organization staff I’m not sure there is enough evidence covid says it can spread within 5 seconds.

Dr. Mike Ryan, director of the WHO Health Emergencies Program, said at a press conference from Geneva on Saturday morning that more work needed to be done to analyze the rate of spread.

“How much virus do you need to be contaminated or inhaled before you reach the dose that causes the infection?” Dr. Ryan said.

“This is not known in the previous strains and is not fully understood in these new strains — it contains the Delta strain.”

In May, Victorian health officials said two women, a woman visiting the Metricon Exhibition Hall on the outskirts of Mickleham and a man visiting the Brighton Beach Hotel, were infected with “fleet” contacts.

The blockade lasted for 14 days just for authorities to reclassify both cases.

The expert committee said neither person was infected and both recorded false positives.

The Delta variant that originated in India is causing problems in distant countries such as China, the United Kingdom, Brazil and Australia.

Saturday’s NSW recorded 12 new cases Of the community coronavirus.

Twenty-nine locally acquired cases were reported from 24 hours to 8:00 pm on Friday night, 17 of which were announced on Friday.

NSW Prime Minister Gladys Bellezi Klean was locked at a press conference Saturday morning after the incident was identified across four LGAs locked down in the council areas of Urara, Waverley, Randwick and Sydney. He emphasized that the down order may need to be extended.

“A few days ago, I said Sydney, New South Wales was the most horrifying time during a pandemic, which means that,” she said.

“I make sure I’m holding a crisis cabinet meeting today to discuss health advice with colleagues and senior civil servants, so I can advise the community if I need to take further action.


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