Here are some diet and lifestyle changes that men should follow
Male infertility: A certain proportion of male infertility can be prevented, especially if detected early. The dietary and lifestyle changes men should follow are:
Male Infertility: A Healthy Diet and Lifestyle Helps Improve Male Fertility
- A healthy lifestyle helps to give birth
- Smoking can affect your health in many ways, including giving birth
- Avoid excessive drinking
Infertility is much more common today than it was 20 years ago. According to current estimates, about one in five Indian couples experience infertility problems. The first reason could be an increase in fertility illnesses and infections, but the truth is that such illnesses and infections existed 20 years ago, but are much more common today. .. So why is the number of cases of infertility increasing in our time? The answer is that it is partly environmental, partly lifestyle related, and partly due to illness.
Most cases of male infertility are undetected. To better understand the situation, we need to understand what men are prone to this problem, corrective actions and preventative measures.
Studies have shown that low sperm counts are themselves associated with metabolic changes, cardiovascular risk, and loss of bone mass. Men with infertility may have important coexisting health problems or risk factors that can impair their quality of life and shorten their lives. The bottom line is that treatment of male infertility should not focus solely on giving birth if diagnostic tests reveal other health risks such as overweight, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. And the good news is that it can prevent a significant proportion of male infertility, especially if detected early. Prophylactic fertility assessment gives men a unique opportunity for health assessment and disease prevention.
Males in couples who have difficulty getting pregnant can have higher morbidity and mortality and should be properly diagnosed and followed up by a birth specialist and primary care physician. Semen testing or screening should be done by all men and is necessary to protect themselves from significant health risks.
As doctors, we meet many men who are worried about sexual health and childbirth but are confused about how to do it. The good news is that lifestyle and dietary changes play a major role in improving male childbirth and maintaining sexual health beyond pregnancy.
There are several risks and precautions to improve male childbirth-
1. Smoking
Cigarette smoke contains levels of ROS that can damage sperm by reducing sperm motility and function and ultimately reducing sperm birth. Smoking not only impairs male childbirth, but also increases DNA damage and causes abnormal embryos-there is a risk of increased abortion in early pregnancy.
Available evidence of smoking and childbirth in men supports the recommendation to quit smoking and minimize exposure to tobacco smoke among couples trying to become pregnant. And generally beneficial effects are seen 3 months after smoking cessation.
2. Alcohol
An analysis of 29914 men reported a significant dose-dependent association between alcohol intake and decreased semen volume, sperm morphology, and sperm motility.Moderate heavy drinking has been found to be detrimental to sperm motility and morphology
3. Exercise
Exercise is considered an excellent way to maintain a healthy life and sexual health, but maintaining healthy sperm motility requires an appropriate amount of exercise. Treadmill exercise (running at moderate rate for 30-45 minutes, 3-6 days a week) improved sperm quality in terms of quantity, sperm count, motility, and morphology (shape and size). Any form of moderate exercise routine may be a better option for men, especially if they have childbirth problems.
4. Obesity
The presence of excess fat in obese people increases the conversion of testosterone to female sex hormones and alters the balance of male sex hormones. This is detrimental to sperm production.
5. Psychological stress
Stress, in many forms, can cause sperm problems. Stress activates an excessive sympathetic nervous system response, causing an imbalance between both hormones and Leydig cells, resulting in a decrease in the androgen testosterone.
6. Diet
Diet and nutrition play an important role in semen quality. A healthy and balanced diet can improve semen quality and fertility in men. For example, a Mediterranean diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins and low in fat is the best diet for sperm health.
Vegetables and fruits, fish and chicken, cereals, and low-fat dairy products were one of the foods that were actively associated with sperm quality. However, a diet consisting of processed meats, full-fat dairy products, alcohol, coffee, and sugared beverages is associated with poor semen quality and low fertility.
In summary, male sperm quality has declined rapidly over the years. Early detection is the key to combating male infertility. Men should go before the test, which can now be done within the privacy of their home. In addition, they should seek appropriate clinical intervention for the same. Instead of relying on unscientific drugs and supplements for self-treatment of male infertility, a good lifestyle can greatly help prevent such problems.
(Dr. SS Vasan, MBBS, DNB-GEN SURGERY, DNB-Urology are co-founders of Janani, a fertility technology startup)
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