Coronavirus is associated with greater risk of life-threatening infections in obese people
Global coronavirus-related deaths 250,000, A related trend has emerged in the medical literature: high rates of obesity in a group of patients with severe or life-threatening COVID-19.
Ah Recent report from New York It indicates that more than 2 in 5 people who need a breathing tube were obese. Report from intensive care unit Almost found in France 90% of morbidly obese patients Requirement of mechanical ventilation was found in less than half of the lighter people.
There are several reasons why obese patients undergoing intensive care with COVID-19 require invasive ventilation.
High levels of fat in the chest and abdomen put pressure on the lungs, which can help obese people. Fill up to capacity Under normal circumstances. This diminished respiratory capacity can add to dyspnea in COVID-19 patients.
Carrying extra weight also means that there is a higher oxygen demand. Some obese patients breathe too shallow or too late, Provide enough oxygen Some people intermittently stop breathing completely.
Both of these factors already stress the heart and lungs and can exacerbate the symptoms of COVID-19. However, they do not appear to completely explain the unexpectedly high rate of obesity in highly sick coronavirus-infected patients. This suggests that other factors specific to this virus may be acting.
so Recent reviewsWe investigated why obese patients are at high risk for severe or life-threatening COVID-19 infections. Based on our findings, we believe that adipose tissue is a potential cause of unidentified inflammation that, as a result of COVID-19, can damage organs such as the lungs.
Are obese people generally unbalanced, Inflamed immune system. Their blood is often at a higher level Some inflammatory signals Similar to the COVID-19 response in the body. This may mean that the immune system is likely to overreact to coronavirus infections.
Adipose tissue too Acts as a vast reservoir Range of immune cells including Macrophage And T cells. Macrophages devour infectious agents (such as bacteria and viruses) and present the remnants to T cells.
Data from Wuhan, China We show that the body’s immune signal response is higher in people with severe forms of COVID-19. This reaction is called the “cytokine storm.”
Cytokines act as “messengers”, telling other immune cells about potential threats and causing inflammation (often in the form of fever or swelling) to destroy pathogens. But sometimes Immune system Overreact and release too many cytokines (“cytokine storm”).
After being infected with Coronavirus, The body of an obese person may activate large fat-resident reservoirs of immune cells. And it can cause excessive swelling and inflammation. This unbalanced activation of the immune system can cause damage to organs, including the lungs.
On days 7-10 of COVID-19, patients often begin to improve or may worsen. This delayed exacerbation suggests that the true harm caused by COVID-19 may be caused by the cytokine storm rather than the infection itself.
Because Adipose tissue Saves a large storehouse of immunity cell, Obese people may be more likely to suffer from the cytokine storm response to COVID-19. This can lead to lung damage, severe dyspnea, and even death.
Currently, there is no approved treatment for COVID-19. Doctors mainly focus on supplying oxygen and hydrating patients.
Targeted Immunosuppressant (Reducing the strength of the body’s immune system) is especially beneficial to patients with severe infections, Trial is ongoing.
But researchers also found certain flaws Subpopulation of T cells With a serious illness. Therefore, non-targeted immunosuppressive drugs may aggravate symptoms by further weakening the immune response.
Some additional inflammatory messengers such as: TNFa, May be worth targeting at different stages of the disease. Many drug trials are in progress, 600 clinical trials Currently in progress. However, it can take months for immunotherapy to be approved, and none of these drugs are curative.
Obese people must take additional steps to protect themselves from COVID-19, including measures to protect their social distance. You should also pay attention to public health Underprivileged, overcrowded district A place where poor diet and obesity often coexist. The threshold for escalation of intensive care is obesity To prevent severe infections.
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Coronavirus is associated with a high risk of life-threatening infections for obese people (May 6, 2020)
Acquired on May 6, 2020
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