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Is New Jersey a bad mosquito season this summer? This is what the experts say.


We already had cicada, Tick And Spotted lantern fly This year is bothering us. Do New Jersey people now need to prepare for another annoyance: the summer with large herds of mosquitoes?

The answer is not that simple.

Bug experts say it depends heavily on other factors such as where you live, the amount of rain you get, and how much mud builds up on the riverbed. And how much water and dirt is in the gutters, bird baths, flowerpot saucers, and other common items outside the house.

Many types of mosquitoes prevalent in New Jersey breed in warm, moist conditions, while other mosquitoes prefer lower temperatures and longer dry spells during large storms.

Some mosquitoes were completely exterminated during the spring, with less than normal numbers of other types of mosquitoes found, according to Scott Clans, director of the New Jersey Mosquito Control and Coordination Authority. That’s why.

“We have begun a cool and damp season, and some of our mosquito species work really well under those conditions — and their populations were really really high,” Clan said. Told NJ Advanced Media.

One of those active types was culiseta melanura, a black-tailed mosquito that breeds in swamps and can carry rare but dangerous mosquitoes. Eastern equine encephalitis virus..

The mosquito was found in large numbers in several parts of New Jersey, especially in the Delaware River basin, Delaware Bay Shore, and Pineland in early May. County mosquito control agency..

Good news: These mosquitoes are still active in the Delaware River basin, but in recent weeks these numbers have dropped to normal levels in most parts of the state.

Mosquitoes carrying West Nile fever on Staten Island

This pre-photograph of 2016 shows the stagnant water at Wolfe’s Pond Park on Staten Island. This attracted mosquitoes.

State and county mosquito control agencies are on the lookout for rural areas in central and northern New Jersey. New jersey Aedes vexans, And in some parts of the state coquillettidiadisturbans mosquito.

Aedes mosquitoes are a very common type of “nuisance mosquito” found throughout New Jersey and breed in heavy rains, puddles, and other standing waters. coquillettidia perturbans Mosquitoes are also a nasty type, but they can carry viruses such as West Nile fever and Eastern equine encephalitis and infect humans, horses and birds.

According to Klang, the ups and downs of these mosquito activities are strongly related to weather conditions, the wetness and dryness of the riverbeds of streams, streams and other channels, and the number of mosquito breeding sites in different regions. Because it is, it is normal.

All of these factors change so often that it is very difficult to predict whether this summer will be a bad summer or a normal summer for mosquito activity.

According to Klang, his office and county mosquito control coordinators are constantly analyzing data from mosquito traps installed throughout the state to help identify different types of mosquitoes and activity. I will.

The data show when and where authorities apply pesticides to reduce the number of mosquitoes that bite people and animals.

West Nile virus detected in Shaker Resident cases was reported second in Kaiyahoga County this year.

Mosquitoes caught in the Beachwood area of ​​Kaiyahoga County, Ohio in 2011. Plain Dealer

Timing is important

Clan said that not only the amount of rain this summer, but also the timing of the rain will determine whether mosquitoes will breed.

Common annoying mosquitoes like Aedes “have eggs that need to be dried before they hatch,” he said. So, when it rains heavily, these insects multiply very often, followed by a dry season and another wet season.

“Usually, eight to ten days after a heavy rain event, you’ll see an increase in the population of Aedes bexan,” Clan said.

This type of mosquitoes favors a moist environment, but clans have long-term rains that continue for days or every few days, leaving excess water where the eggs lay, and those eggs. Said to prevent it from hatching.

Bad news: Other types of mosquitoes breed in moist conditions for long periods of time, so too much rain this summer can be a problem.

“What is good for one species may not be good for another,” Clan said.

Mosquito 2020 season

According to experts, mosquitoes can lay eggs in a water column of only 0.5 inches. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the water is not stagnant outside the house.Gilles San Martin

Check your garden

Mosquitoes are not the only problem around wetlands. According to experts, many types of skaters prevalent in the Garden State lay eggs in puddles, buckets, watering cans, plant containers, or other common household items.

“Paying attention to areas where stagnant reservoirs can be eliminated will help reduce the number of mosquitoes,” he said. Central Jersey Mosquito Squad, A company specializing in the extermination of mosquitoes and mites.

“So every week, we empty or flip the water-retaining item,” McCulloch said. “Tapaulins, tires, children’s toys, buckets, bird baths, trash cans, flower pots, etc.”

Wheelbarrows and gutter clogging are also common breeding grounds for many types of mosquitoes, said entomologist and service director Craig Sansig. Viking pest control..

“Make sure the gutters aren’t clogged, and it’s helpful to prune trees and shrubs from your house,” says Sansig. Many mosquitoes “tend to hide under the leaves” because they like warm, moist, shaded areas.

Don’t be surprised if you get bitten by a mosquito. Experts say it is important to remember that most mosquitoes do not have diseases that affect humans.

Saginaw County Residential Tire Recycling

Discarded tires can collect water and breed mosquitoes.Colleen Harrison | File

More Tips for Homeowners

Here are some other tips provided by state and county officials to reduce the number of mosquitoes around your home and reduce your risk of being bitten by these nasty insects.

  • Avoid being outdoors during the most active dawn and dusk of mosquitoes.
  • Wear EPA-registered insect repellents outdoors and wear protective clothing such as long sleeves and trousers. Cover the crib, stroller, and baby carrier with mosquito nets.
  • Treat clothing with permethrin, an insecticide that kills or repels mosquitoes. This is perfect for those who hike or spend a lot of time outdoors.
  • Watch your health carefully during the mosquito season and be aware of the symptoms of the disease. Contact your healthcare provider to discuss testing and treatment.
  • Repair the holes in the screen to get the mosquitoes out and use the air conditioner if possible.
  • It is a place where mosquitoes spawn, so remove the water that collects around the house.
  • Empty standing water from flowerpots, pet plates, bird baths, pool covers, buckets, barrels, cans, etc. at least once or twice a week.
  • Make a hole in the bottom and lift recycles and other containers if placed outdoors. When not in use, turn the plastic water pool and wheelbarrow over.
  • Repair and clean storm-damaged roof gutters, especially if the leaves of the surrounding trees tend to clog the drains. Gutters can generate millions of mosquitoes each season.
  • Ventilate the ornamental pool or stock fish. Water gardens become a major mosquito producer when stagnant.
  • Clean and chlorinate the pool even when not in use.
  • If you encounter mosquito problems after performing the above steps County Mosquito Management Agency Ask for help. There are larval habitats that only your local mosquito control program can properly deal with.

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Lemmeri Sulgo may reach at [email protected]..

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