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Car theft increased by 753% when city reopens in San Francisco


The reopening of San Francisco, California means that restaurants and hotels have reopened, but criminals have also stepped up and robbed cars 753 percent more in June than last month.

The collapse of the wave of crime is spreading across cities as criminals find quiet streets to organize stolen luggage for valuables and leave stolen belongings behind.

The· San Francisco Chronicle report About development:

Last month, at the central station of the police station, car theft increased by 753 percent compared to the previous May. However, it was a high blockade limit. This is an increase of only 75% compared to 2019.

The number of intrusions also increased by 94% between April and May of this year, following the gradual reopening of the city from the pandemic.

According to the latest data from the Central District up to June 6, 2,048 cars have been looted so far this year, compared to 858 during the same period in 2020. This is an increase of nearly 139%. In the park area, where part of Golden Gate Park is located, there was an increase of about 3%. All other districts are still below the total by 2020.

Police responded by increasing the number of police officers, including foot patrols around the city.

“We know the city is reopening and people are back, and we want them to have a good experience,” said police spokesman Adam Robsinger. Chronicle report.

The· Chronicle We interviewed Kinga Soika, who lived in Florida and came to visit the Wine County of California.

Soika parked her rental car in a garage near Pier 39 and walked to Lombard Street, Fisherman’s Wharf and the waterfront. When she returned, she found that the rear window had been broken and her suitcase and the backpack of a friend who was carrying the keys to her house were gone.

“I was pretty shocked because I didn’t think of high crime in San Francisco, especially in tourist areas,” Soika said. “Basically, it’s also very shocking to throw it on the street in front of a multi-million dollar home and leave it alone if it’s not worth keeping.”

“Police and the hotel council should tell tourists to leave nothing valuable in their cars, even if they are out of sight or for a short period of time, and instead store their luggage at the hotel before and after their stay. I’m giving you advice. ” Chronicle report.

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