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Shock of Breast Cancer Survivors When Screening Reservation Rejected “For Covid”


Almost all of CANCER’s survivors, whose parents and five siblings were affected by the disease, said they were shocked to learn that over 70 years old could not introduce themselves for screening because of Covid. It was.

Ann Boyd, 75, was diagnosed early stage Breast cancer developed in 1997 thanks to a routine mammogram and recovered completely after breast aneurysmectomy and radiation therapy.

A former restaurant owner from Argyle’s Furness admitted that she had screened for saving her life and continued to introduce mammograms as a precautionary measure even after turning 70.

Her last was three years ago.

The NHS offers regular breast screening every three years Scotland Women aged 50-70, but before the pandemic, women over 70 could also self-reference.

However, this option was suspended for Covid and was not resumed when regular screening was resumed last year.

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Mrs. Boyd said she first learned of the change when she was turned down for a reservation on a mobile scan unit before her 10-minute visit to Invariary.

“I think it’s ridiculous,” she said.

“They are more or less telling me,’If you find something, go to your doctor.’ It may be too late by that time.

“I didn’t know I had breast cancer [in 1997] Unless I didn’t go to the van. There were no symptoms. There was no lump to feel.

“And my friend (she is 78 years old) had breast cancer very recently. She said she had a mastectomy and wouldn’t have been picked up without the van.”

Herald Scotland:

Mrs. Boyd, one of the six children, said she was particularly worried because of her family history of illness.

Both her deceased mother and sister were diagnosed with breast cancer, her father died of lung cancer, and three other brothers (sister and both brothers) also died of cancer.

Her GP is currently trying to arrange an appointment at a breast screening clinic instead.

“I might have to go to Campbeltown 70 miles away, but I’ll go wherever I go. Go to Glasgow and do it.

“People who call to make a reservation make a reservation.

“When I was last in the Invariary van three years ago, some people in the routine group didn’t show up.

“So all these promises are going to be wasted, and here I am desperate to get them.”

The Scottish Government said the suspension of self-introduction was “temporary” and the risks and benefits of screening over the age of 70 were “not fully established.”

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Eligibility for cancer screening is based on advice from the UK National Screening Board, which assesses the balance between cost-effectiveness and good and harm, such as the risk of unnecessary treatment.

A Cancer Research UK spokesman said evidence of breast screening for women over the age of 70 was mixed in terms of their effectiveness, even for women with a family history. [or] People at high risk because of genes. ”

Herald Scotland:

However, the current cessation of self-introduction coincides with the overall slump in cancer diagnosis during a pandemic, leading to concerns that thousands of cases may have been overlooked.

Between April and December 2020, nearly 4,000 fewer people started treatment than usual.

Gordon McLean of Macmillan Cancer Support Scotland said charities are “extremely concerned” that many people in Scotland live with undetected cancer.

“The later the diagnosis, the harder it is to treat the disease, and the more stress it faces for those who suspect something is wrong.

“We know that pandemics are putting a lot of strain on the NHS, but it’s important to urgently restart and perform all cancer screenings and tests.”

Herald Scotland: Cancer diagnosis was significantly reduced in 2020 compared to 2019 levels (Public Health Scotland)Cancer diagnosis was significantly reduced in 2020 compared to 2019 levels (Public Health Scotland)

Scottish Labor Party health Jackie Baillie, a spokeswoman for Covid Recovery, said: “The failure of SNPs to reach their 36-month frequency goal without resuming self-introduction over the age of 70 means that women are missing out on this important care.

“This only leads to the expansion of the cancer treatment crisis we are facing.”

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A Scottish government spokesman said he has invested up to £ 114.5 million in cancer recovery programs over the next two years.

He added: “The impact of Covid-19, such as the need for physical distance and enhanced infection control measures, continues to pose capacity challenges.

“Because the risks and benefits of screening for people over the age of 70 have not been fully established, the option for self-introduction by participants over the age of 70 has been suspended and the service will need to provide reservations and be screened. There are obvious benefits that people can prioritize.

“This is a temporary measure and is reviewed regularly and will be lifted as soon as possible.

“For the time being, we are working closely with the Health Board to monitor and address the capacity challenges that Covid-19 has caused.

“Work to consider the benefits of screening people over 71 is also underway across the UK, and the issue of self-introduction for people over 70 is being considered in a review of the Scottish Breast Screening Program. ..

“The current age range is based on evidence of the risks and benefits of screening people of different ages.”

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