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The Huntington-based document recommends a “diet” for townspeople


For the emotional diet caused by COVID-19’s pandemic stress and anxiety, Huntington-based doctors have called on townspeople to “eat” to avoid weight gain.

Suffolk County Legislation. William R. Spencer (D Centerport), a physician and chairman of the state legislative health committee, announced on Wednesday the first voluntary town-wide virtual diet.

Studies have shown that obesity increases the risk of patients with coronaviruses having less favorable outcomes in combating the disease, he said.

The diet eliminates junk foods and recommends an exercise program to combat potential weight gain called “potential 15” during pandemic lockdowns. The program includes free virtual yoga and exercise classes offered by a local company, and a Facebook live event sponsored by an obesity doctor.

“People are locked in at home and eating malnourished food,” Spencer said. “Covid-19 has a far greater impact on people with comorbidities such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and asthma. All of these are associated with obesity.”

Some of the advice provided is eating fruits and vegetables, planning meals, regularly weighing, exercising, getting enough sleep and hydrating.

At the news conference in Huntington, Dr. David Butin, Head of Bariatric Surgery at Northwell Health Huntington Hospital, joined Town Clark Andrew Laia and Spencer at a press conference in Huntington.

Butin said people got an average of £ 15 during the pandemic-the birth of the phrase “quarantine 15” he said obesity and obesity-related comorbidities kill about 300,000 Americans each year. It was.

“If I contract with COVID-19, I’ll have some Facebook live events that discuss how obesity and its risk factors put you at greater risk,” Buchin said. “I’ll share some tips on how to control your emotional diet, avoid comfort foods and foods high in high carbs, and create a grocery shopping list.”

For more information on diet initiatives, see Buchin’s LI Obesity Surgery Facebook page.

Town director Chad Lupinacci said the “diet” was only a friendly proposition.

“This is a common sense strategy: eating a healthy diet, staying healthy, and avoiding risk factors that increase the likelihood of needing treatment,” Lupinacci said. “I took this advice myself. I take a walk every day in the park or instead of running a short distance.”

He said the town is striving to keep the older people exercising during the pandemic with basic mobility and stretch exercise videos broadcast on the town’s Government Access TV channels throughout the day.

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