How Poop Treats Coronavirus (COVID-19)
This is terrible … but it might work.
As researchers struggle to find new ways to slow the spread of coronaviruses, there is no stone for them to leave … and, obviously, that is also true for human waste.
According to new discoveries made by scientists, human poop could actually help support the second wave of COVID-19.
But how can poop help treat coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Here is everything you need to know.
Researchers have discovered that COVID-19 can be detected in stool samples.
Biobot’s Newsha Gaeli said in an interview that they recently had coronavirus-positive patients. Excrete the virus in their stool. Testing stools can determine if someone is infected with the virus, or if many people in a particular area are infected, or in the case of the studies they have detected.
This led to the study of various sewer systems across the country.
As a company, Biobot is investigating 300 sewer systems across 40 states, where the virus was found, “Measure the concentration of the virus and convert it to an estimated number of cases in a particular community.” At this point it will help you better understand what the virus is currently doing in different parts of the United States . .
“Estimating that big picture can be very helpful in understanding trends in the virus over time. Do you see the amount of virus decreasing or increasing?” Gary said.
What they have learned helps them learn about the breadth of each community.
The information that Biobot can collect helps inform researchers when the second wave of the virus arrives and helps people better prepare with stricter social distance guidelines.
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“We need a very easy and fast way to get a snapshot of what’s happening in the aggregated city views,” said Geri. “Whether it means re-implementing social distance or not, having a robust surveillance infrastructure is critical to detecting new outbreaks and containing them immediately.”
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Some people with coronavirus experience gastrointestinal symptoms.
Coronaviruses mainly attack the respiratory system, Gastrointestinal symptoms reported Virus positive patient. But for now, I’m not sure if that will affect how easily it can be detected by flight. At the moment, it seems that the virus can be detected in the stools of people who test positive regardless of what. They had their symptoms.
It does not appear that the virus can spread via the stool.
Even if the virus is detected in the stool, it doesn’t seem to be another way to transmit it — so far, we know it may be caught via respiratory droplets. Fortunately, CDC infection expert Jay Butler says there is no evidence that COVID-19 is transmitted via poo.
“There is not much evidence of stool-borne infections,” Butler said. “At least one tabloid in Britain knows that Covid-19 got a lot of coverage by someone who speculates it could be spread by flatulence or by fart quoting headlines. There isn’t much science behind it. “
However, this is not a surefire way — at least not yet.
The sewer system has proven to be an excellent way to track the spread of the virus, but scientists named Natalie Prestajecchi said the new method is not guaranteed to work as expected. I am.
“We still don’t know what the ultimate utility of this tool is. No one has actually done that with an active surveillance system,” says Prystajecky. “I warn people to use it as an absolute truth, and often realize that there may be a high degree of uncertainty in the model. When they interpret it, I just want to make sure people understand the limits of the data. “
Nicole Pomalico is an entertainment and lifestyle writer who has appeared in Cosmo, Weekly USA, Refinery 29 and more.
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