The first known plague victim in the world was a 5,000-year-old hunter-gatherer in Europe.
The disease could have killed almost half of Europe’s population during the Middle Ages, known as plague. It affects humans and other mammals and is often transmitted to humans by rodent fleas.
A German-Latvian collaborative team has detected the oldest known bacterial strain that causes plague —Yersinia pestis -The remains of hunter-gatherers who lived in what is now Latvia 5,000 years ago.
Studies show that men estimated to be between the ages of 20 and 30 are more likely to die after being bitten by a rodent carrying a bacterial strain. His skull was excavated in the late 1800s, but soon disappeared. It was finally discovered in 2011 in the collection of the German anthropologist Rudolf Wilhyo.
Scientists were then able to study his body along with the bodies of three other specimens in the same location. All of these specimens may have belonged to the same group of Hunter Fisher Gathers. The team tested samples from teeth and bones to sequence the genome and identify bacterial and viral pathogens.
According to scientists, the four sets of ashes are so old that the DNA in the bone was only present in small pieces. Next, the bacterial genome had to be meticulously reconstructed and then analyzed and compared to other ancient and modern times. Yersinia pestis stock.
They were stunned to find evidence of plague-causing bacteria in samples aged 20 to 30 years.
“The most amazing thing is that we can push back the look of Yersinia pestis Lead author Ben Klaus Kyora is 2,000 years farther than previously published studies suggest, “he said,” it seems to be really close to the origin of the bacterium. “
Researchers of this strain Yersinia pestis Bacteria may have been part of a lineage that emerged about 7,000 years ago. They also discovered something that sets this old strain of plague apart from subsequent variations: it did not spread to humans through fleas, unlike its more modern counterparts.
This meant that the strain may have been less contagious and pointed out that the bacteria were only present in bodies aged 20-30 years. Some of the people buried near him did not seem to rule out the epidemic of the deadly community.
The results of these surveys are Yersinia pestis It once occurred in a small isolated event, and after this period it evolved into medieval and modern forms with the growth of human civilization and the development of metropolitan cities.
These conclusions that the early forms of plague are likely to be slow-moving illnesses that were not infectious shed new light on our known history, especially with respect to the development of human civilization in Europe and Asia. Release by Cell Reports mentioned by the press.
For example, it contradicts the following hypothesis Yersinia pestis It emerged from a large city that developed only after the life of a hunter-gatherer or that could have caused a major population decline in Western Europe at the end of the Neolithic era.
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