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Some young cancer survivors are hesitant about the COVID vaccine


A study conducted in Utah and the surrounding mountaineering states reported that more than one-third of adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors were hesitant to vaccinate with COVID-19. Did.

Despite the fact that COVID-19 vaccination protects populations vulnerable to adverse consequences, AYA cancer, according to researchers led by Austin Waters (MSPH) at the Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah’s Salt Lake City. 37.1% of survivors expressed hesitation in the vaccine.City, and colleagues JNCI cancer spectrum..

However, the demographics surveyed may explain a high degree of hesitation in the vaccine, said Archie Bleyer, MD, MD, Oregon Health & Science University in Portland. Today’s MedPage..

“It’s the area that really matters here,” said Breyer, who wasn’t involved in the study.

According to the authors of the study, adolescents and young adults had the highest incidence of COVID-19 infection of all age groups since June 2020.

They said vaccine hesitation is generally an American problem, but more problematic among cancer survivors who are more likely to weaken the immune system and develop severe respiratory infections.

National organizations recommend that cancer survivors be vaccinated with COVID-19 if there are no contraindications, and that survivors receiving aggressive treatment be in the priority vaccination group.

Therefore, “identifying factors related to vaccine hesitation is an urgent priority for accelerating vaccination of this vulnerable population,” Waters and the team write.

The study was conducted on AYA cancer survivors aged 15-39 years who were serviced through the Huntsman Mountain Adolescents and Young Adult Cancer Treatment Program, and data collection was conducted from October 2020 to January 2021. It was.

342 respondents completed a cross-sectional survey that strongly agreed or agreed to vaccination or showed some hesitation in vaccination (strongly disagree, disagree, disagree, or disagree).

The average age of respondents was 29.5 years. 61.1% were women and 81.3% were non-Hispanic whites. Since March 2020, more than half (55.3%) have been treated.

Waters et al. Found that female survivors had nearly twice the odds of hesitation with the COVID-19 vaccine compared to male survivors (OR 1.81, 95% CI 1.10-2.98). In addition, those under high school education were 3.15 times more likely to report vaccine repellent than college graduates (OR 3.15, 95% CI 1.41-7.04).

Given the rumors spread online that Bleyer suggests that vaccines can affect childbirth, it’s not surprising that the level of vaccine hesitation among young female cancer survivors is high. Said not.

Bleyer pointed out that female cancer patients are already focusing on this subject, given the potential impact of their cancer treatment on childbirth. “That’s a pretty clear explanation of why women are more likely to worry and hesitate.”

The authors acknowledged that the samples were collected throughout Mountain West and may not be generalized to other regions. For example, they said they did not collect information about political parties known to be related to vaccine hesitation.

“Although it reflects the demographics of the region, our sample was homogeneous and hampered our ability to assess relevance by race,” they write.

“The author says this was carefully interpreted on a regional basis,” Breyer said. “But they don’t emphasize it enough. This study is highly region-dependent.”

Specifically, Bleyer pointed out that Mountain West is mostly white and Republican, “very important in analyzing these data.”

  • Author['full_name']

    Mike basset A staff writer focused on oncology and hematology. He is based in Massachusetts.


This study was supported by the Huntsman Cancer Foundation and the National Institutes of Health at NIH.

Waters did not report the disclosure.

Breyer did not report the disclosure.





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