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Coronavirus vaccine competition raises ethical issues-News-The Lake News Online


Getting a vaccine by next summer requires both luck and unprecedented novelty, and once seemingly academic questions about vaccine testing suddenly come to the fore.

Testing a vaccine can take decades. The fight against COVID-19 does not take years.

Getting a vaccine by next summer requires both luck and a corner that has never been cut out, and once suddenly cast a head-on academic question about vaccine testing.

While the current rules aim to protect volunteers from harm, the world’s death toll from the coronavirus is over 250,000, and scientists ask:

This is called a challenge trial, and increasing numbers of scientists say the answer is yes.

The true, proven method is to vaccinate tens of thousands of people, see how they go into their everyday, socially distant lives and see who gets sick. It takes time.

To speed up the process, some researchers plan to give volunteers an vaccine and then infect them with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

“You are weighing the risks and benefits of individuals as a whole against the benefits of society as a whole,” said David Magnus of the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics at Stanford University.

Ethical issues will be fast for us. As of Tuesday, eight vaccine candidates are in clinical evaluation, four in China, one in the United Kingdom, one in the European Union, and two in the United States, according to the World Health Organization. No one is yet in a Phase III trial that tests the vaccine on a large number of people to see if the vaccine works, is safe, or has side effects.

Usually such trials are several years away. Now they can start this year. Last week, the Trump administration created an operational warp speed to cut vaccine development by at least eight months.

The Food and Drug Administration, which regulates vaccines, takes the scientific, ethical, and feasibility issues raised by such a significantly shortened schedule seriously.

“A formal decision on a particular Human Challenge trial proposal will be made by the FDA in the context of all the information available at that time,” spokeswoman Michael Felberbaum said.

It is not known exactly when the challenging trial will take place or what guidelines will be changed to enable it.

However, one thing is certain. What happens next to fill such a timeline is unusual.

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Normal vaccine timeline

Vaccine schedules are usually measured on an annual basis. When Edward Jenner gave the gardener’s son the first smallpox vaccine in 1796, he waited two years before trying it on to another person.

Due to the mumps, the fastest vaccine ever produced was four years. It took 5 Ebola vaccines.

The process is complicated. First scientists need to find a way to trigger the body to produce antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and test it in cell culture and animals. This is known as the preclinical stage.

Next, a human test is performed. Usually less than 100 people are involved in Phase I to ensure vaccine safety. Phase II will hire hundreds of volunteers to test how their immune system responds to the vaccine, safety and side effects.

Antibody testing: It should have been a guide for the resumption plan They brought more confusion than clarity.

Phase III is extremely important. Tens of thousands of people have been vaccinated and compared to those who received a placebo. A large cohort is needed to look for common ones with rare side effects.

“Phase III trials are a key source of data that can help us determine if there are vaccines available on a large scale,” said Jason Schwartz, a professor at the Department of Public Health at Yale University who studies vaccine policy. I am.

A clinical trial of the human papillomavirus vaccine to prevent cervical cancer included 30,000 subjects. He said the rotavirus vaccine test, which protects against common illnesses that cause severe diarrhea in children, included 70,000 study subjects.

Only after Phase III is completed can the manufacturer apply for a license to sell the vaccine for human use.

COVID-19 Challenge Exam

Scientists want to speed up the process of coronavirus vaccines by running tests for each phase simultaneously. In a typical scenario, each part of each phase of testing is completed and carefully analyzed before the next phase begins. This is partly for safety and effectiveness, but also to save money by not continuing the path that leads to a dead end.

This time, businesses and non-profit organizations are investing billions of searches. The rules are also relaxed. The FDA has worked closely with companies in the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine trial to streamline the process as much as possible.

Phase III is a challenge. Researchers typically monitor tens of thousands of volunteers for normal lives and for infections. With COVID-19, volunteers were rarely exposed to the virus as they still followed social distance guidelines. Therefore, the group must be very large.

“We then used statistical methods to see if there were fewer cases than expected to be among the vaccinated patients,” said Paul Root, director of the Ethics Center at Emory University. Wolpe said.

In the challenge trial, volunteers are intentionally infected with the virus. This number can be much lower, as most people get sick. COVID-19 will be displayed within 2 weeks, so the period will be shorter.

It’s an ethical minefield. A percentage of volunteers can die, no matter how young and healthy they are.

So, Susan Ellenberg, a professor of biostatistics, medical ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, said that the challenge trials are only done for diseases that have 100% cure.

Even with the cure, it’s not fun to join. When the malaria and cholera challenge trials began, participants became very ill.

“The volunteers had a lot of diarrhea and vomiting, but they were waiting with IV solutions and antibiotics, which made the participants disastrous, but at a very low risk of actual permanent harm or death. Stanford’s Magnus said.

With COVID-19, mortality is unknown, and one of the current potential treatments, lemdecivir, is shown only to reduce the duration of the illness.

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Is it ethical to infect COVID-19?

In 2016, researchers wanted to infect volunteers with the Zika virus and test the vaccine’s potential. The National Institutes of Health said no.

COVID-19 may vary. Scientists have been discussing the ethics of adopting so-called challenge research to “challenge” the immune system in the fight against pandemics since at least March. It was when three senior scientists published a paper in a journal of infectious diseases that suggested a risk to volunteers and should be weighed against the weekly deaths for which no vaccine was available.

One of the authors, Nir Eyal, a professor of bioethics at Rutgers University, said that very strict guidelines can be unethical.

He said only young, healthy participants should be selected who have a real but low risk of death from COVID-19. The risk of getting sick is high anyway because they have to be from the realm of superinfection. It cannot be infected as it may be infected and must be quarantined.

Society has allowed others to decide to do dangerous things for greater benefit, Ayar said.

“It depends on healthy volunteers to take risks as organ donors, drug toxicity test participants, and volunteers for emergency medical services in this crisis,” he said.

Healthcare providers are probably the best choice for Phase III trials, said public health researcher Dr. Mactel de Wies Vandenberg, who focuses on vaccine ethics at the Swiss Institute of Tropical Public Health in Basel, Switzerland. I will.

“Their health literacy is high, so they have the ability to understand the risks and potential benefits,” she said.

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Although no decisions have been made, or at least publicly announced, how to conduct Phase III trials, there is growing political pressure to use rapid testing techniques.

On April 20, a bipartisan group of 35 members sent a letter to the heads of the US Department of Health and Human Services and the Food and Drug Administration calling for a “faster inspection and approval process.”

“A weekly delay in deploying the vaccine to seven billion people on Earth will cost thousands of lives,” the letter said. “There is a risk that it will be taken a legitimate risk.”

Ad hoc groups have already set up their website a day early to collect the names of their volunteers.

On the phone, Dr. Catherine Edwards, the head of science at the Vanderbilt University Vaccine Research Program, said: According to the American Academy of Infectious Diseases.

“We need to come up with ways to stop it, not just handle it,” she said. “This is a balancing act.”

Contributed by David Heath, USA Today

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