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Children and Teen Mysterious Inflammatory Syndrome Probably Associated with COVID-19: Shot


Doctors say the serious inflammatory syndrome that sends some children and teens to hospitals remains very rare. However, if your child has a persistent high fever, persistent fever, and no abdominal pain or vomiting, call your doctor as a precaution.

Sally Annscum / Getty Images

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Sally Annscum / Getty Images

Doctors say the serious inflammatory syndrome that sends some children and teens to hospitals remains very rare. However, if your child has a persistent high fever, persistent fever, and no abdominal pain or vomiting, call your doctor as a precaution.

Sally Annscum / Getty Images

A New York State Department of Health alert issued Wednesday warned that 64 New York children and teens were suspected of having a mysterious inflammatory syndrome believed to be associated with COVID-19. I am. Similar cases have been reported to increase in the United States and other parts of Europe, including at least one death, but the phenomenon is still unknown.

The pediatrician says that parents should not panic. The condition remains very rare. However, researchers say that this emerging syndrome is scrutinized, and doctors should pay attention to the symptoms in children who may need to contact the doctor immediately-persistent for several days. Abdominal pain with severe fever and repeated vomiting, after which the child feels unwell.

“If [the child is] Be sure to contact your doctor if you feel unwell. ” Dr. Sean O’Leary, He is a pediatric infectious disease specialist on the Children’s Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus and a member of the Infectious Diseases Commission of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The new condition associated with COVID-19 is called childhood multisystem inflammatory syndrome. Symptoms include persistent fever, extreme inflammation, and evidence that one or more organs are not functioning properly. Cardiologist Jane Neuberger, Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Kawasaki Program at Boston Children’s Hospital.

“It’s still very rare, but there was a wave of cases. Doctors and scientists work hard to understand the mechanisms of play, and why only some children are so seriously affected. “Said Neuberger.

Some symptoms are Kawasaki disease shock syndrome. Kawasaki disease Acute illness in children with fever, with rash, conjunctivitis, redness of the lips, tongue, redness of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, swelling of the hands and feet, and sometimes a large group of lymph nodes on one side of the neck, says Neuberger. . Some children with this condition develop dilated coronary arteries and aneurysms in these vessels.

A small percentage of Kawasaki cases continue to develop symptoms of shock, which can include a sharp drop in systolic blood pressure and difficulty in adequate blood supply to body organs. Neuberger says Kawasaki disease and KDSS affect young children, although they can often affect teens.

Some cases of the new inflammatory syndrome have features that overlap with KD or KDSS, such as rash, conjunctivitis, and swelling of the hands and feet. The new inflammatory syndrome can affect older children and teens as well as young children.

However, the test results for patients with the new syndrome are very different, especially “ cardiac inflammation is much greater than that usually seen in Kawasaki shock syndrome, ” and is usually very rare, says O’Leary. He says. In New York City and London, where many cases of COVID-19 are seen, “these types of patients are seen more often.”

O’Leary says that some patients are “very ill” with low blood pressure and high fever. Some children have coronary aneurysms, but few have, he adds.

Other patients show more similar symptoms Toxic shock syndrome, Abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and high levels of inflammation in the body as well as the heart, says O’Leary. Most cases are treated in the intensive care unit, he says. Treatments include intravenous immunoglobulins that “calm the immune system,” steroids, and cytokine blockers.

Earlier evidence from Europe, where reports of the syndrome first appeared, suggests that most children recover with appropriate supportive care, O’Leary said. However, a 14-year-old boy in London died. Report released on Wednesday Lancet.

Most children with the syndrome, oleary and neuberger, have tested positive for either their current infection with the coronavirus or for antibodies to the virus, which prematurely transmitted the virus. It suggests that you have recovered.

Also, according to the case report, some of the children with inflammatory syndromes who tested negative for coronavirus were someday exposed to someone known to have COVID-19. The inflammatory syndrome may appear days to weeks after the COVID-19 illness, doctors say, suggesting that the syndrome results from the immune system’s response to the virus.

“One theory is that when you start making antibodies against SARS-COV-2, the antibodies themselves may be triggering an immune response,” says Neuberger. “This happens only in susceptible individuals whose immune system is structured in a particular way. It doesn’t happen in everyone. It’s still a really rare event in children.”

In late April, the UK Department of Health alerted pediatricians about this syndrome. Reports have also surfaced in France, Spain and Italy, and probably dozens of them around the world, says Neuberger and O’Leary. Mr Neuberger said he needed a register through which doctors could report cases.

“Transnational doctors are talking to each other, but we need some structure and science so that everyone can interpret it,” she says.

Earlier this week, the New York City Department of Health warned that 15 children aged 2 to 15 were hospitalized for this syndrome. Atlanta doctors Also reported Neuberger said he was also contacted about the cases in New Jersey and Philadelphia.

Although the exact relationship between the syndrome and the coronavirus is still unclear, O’Leary found that in most of these cases, the fact that children were somehow positive for exposure to the virus was one of the pieces of evidence. Provides one point. Although the absolute number is small, he says that the vast majority of cases, “much more than would normally be expected in severe Kawasaki disease or toxic shock syndrome,” provide another case.

And with the fact that most reports of this syndrome came from the United Kingdom and New York City, a large number of cases of COVID-19 have occurred.

“It’s a pure guess at the moment,” he says. “But the UK cluster rose about a month after the increase in COVID-19 infections, suggesting some immune phenomenon.”

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