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What is “bone death”? Know everything about avascular necrosis affecting COVID-19 survivors


Even when the world was involved in the COVID-19 pandemic, a deadly second wave caused havoc in India from April to May, leading to emergency medical care and death worldwide. .. But that wasn’t the only thing. Despite fighting all possibilities, the country was struck by a serious post-COVID disorder first heard in the name of mucormycosis or black fungus.

Cases of mucormycosis, new diabetes, blood clots, heart, respiratory and lung complications, and debilitating long COVID care are a source of concern nationwide.

Mucormycosis or black fungus affects many, and doctors have called it a fallout of treatment. This fungal infection primarily affected patients with uncontrolled diabetes and COVID-19 staying in the long-term intensive care unit (ICU). People taking the drug were primarily affected because of their reduced ability to fight environmental pathogens.

Doctors are now reporting new challenges afflicting survivors of COVID-19. In complications after COVID, Avascular necrosis (AVN) What is also known as bone tissue death or “bone death” has been witnessed among people receiving treatment for COVID-19.

Three confirmed cases of bone death have been reported in Mumbai, and doctors fear that such cases may increase in the coming months.

Avascular necrosis or “bone death”

Avascular necrosis is the death of bone tissue due to a lack of blood supply. Also called osteonecrosis, it can lead to small tears in the bone and the final collapse of the bone.

Fractures and dislocations of joints can block blood flow to parts of the bone. Avascular necrosis is also associated with long-term use of high-dose steroids and excessive alcohol intake.

Everyone can be affected, but this condition is most common in people between the ages of 30 and 50.

Symptoms of avascular necrosis

Many people are asymptomatic in the early stages of avascular necrosis. When the condition worsens, the affected joints can hurt only when you put on weight.

Ultimately, you may feel pain even when lying down.

The pain can be mild or severe and usually progresses gradually. The pain associated with avascular necrosis of the hip can be concentrated in the groin, thigh, or buttocks.

Areas other than the hips that can be affected are the shoulders, knees, hands, and feet.

Some people develop bilateral (bilateral) avascular necrosis, such as both hips or both knees.

Seek medical attention if you have persistent pain in your joints.

Causes of avascular necrosis

Avascular necrosis occurs when blood flow to the bone is blocked or diminished. Poor blood supply can be caused by trauma to joints and bones, fat deposits in blood vessels, and certain illnesses.

Injuries such as joint dislocation can damage nearby blood vessels.

Cancer treatment with radiation can also weaken bones and damage blood vessels.

Fats can block small blood vessels and reduce blood flow, which nourishes bones.

Conditions such as sickle cell anemia and Gaucher’s disease can also cause reduced blood flow to the bones.

Doctors claim that avascular necrosis, AVM, is now seen in patients who recovered from the coronavirus a few months ago.

Prevention of avascular necrosis

Limit alcohol intake, as heavy drinking is one of the greatest risk factors for developing avascular necrosis.

Keeps cholesterol levels low. A small portion of fat is the most common substance that interferes with the blood supply to bones.

Make sure your doctor knows about your past or present use of high-dose steroids. Steroid-related bone damage appears to be exacerbated by repeated administration of high doses of steroids.

Please do not smoke. Smoking increases the risk.





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