Health officials track the population after the mosquito season begins slowly
Kalamazoo, Michigan (WOOD) —The county health department in Michigan is monitoring mosquito viruses as the population is expected to grow due to recent heavy rains.
The Kalamazoo County Health Community Service is implementing its own Eastern Equine Encephalitis Monitoring Program for the first time this year.
Environmental health supervisor Lucas Pauls says dry conditions appear to keep numbers low during the early mosquito season.
“I’m on the go, but after the mosquitoes disappear in the dry hours, it rains and invades some of the swamps, and I see an increase,” Pauls said.
Five traps specially designed to attract mosquitoes of the type known to infect EEE are located around the county.
“It’s basically a planter box … We painted it black and put it in a hazy place,” Pauls said.
According to Pauls, the county has never returned to a positive test this year.
Kalamazoo County began monitoring Zika virus in 2017 using a different style of trap.
The EEE virus is rare, but about one-third of people with the disease do not survive. Last year, four people in the state died of EEE. All human cases confirmed in 2020 Barry And Montcalm county.
2019, 6 people died of the virus Ten human cases have been diagnosed in Michigan.
“The goal is not to wait until someone gets the EEE or the animal gets the EEE and say” yes, it’s in our community “, but get these mosquitoes caught and tested. That’s what Pauls said.
The Ottawa County Public Health Service will launch an annual mosquito surveillance program this week.
Matthew Allen, the county’s environmental health supervisor, says that the increase in rain and pooled water does not lead to an increase in population overnight.
“They generally say it takes about 7 days for mosquitoes to breed and become adults,” Allen said.
Even if there haven’t been numerous mosquito reports so far this year, experts say you should still take precautions to reduce your risk.
“Light-colored clothing, which is a mosquito repellent that contains DEET, does not attract them and seems to be excellent at removing the standwater around your property,” Allen said.
Limiting outdoor activities from dusk to dawn can also help you wear longer clothes and reduce your risk.
No cases of mosquito-borne virus have been identified this year in Kalamazoo and Otawa counties, but there may be delays of days or weeks before they appear in the data.
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