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Scientists Condemn Britain’s “Dangerous and Unethical” Resumption Plan


“We believe this decision is dangerous and premature,” they said. Written in a letter In the Lancet medical journal.

“The UK Government needs to rethink its current strategy and take urgent steps to protect its people, including children. It believes the Government is embarking on dangerous and unethical experiments, 2021 We call on the suspension of plans to abandon mitigation measures on July 19, “they added.

“Instead, the government will delay full resumption until immunization is provided to all, including adolescents, high intake rates, and mitigation measures, especially proper ventilation and intervals, are implemented in schools. Until then, public health measures must include the following as required by the WHO (Universal Mask, which even vaccinated people wear in indoor spaces), “they wrote.

Originally signed by dozens of researchers, the letter now has over 4,200 online signatures.

Dr. Deepty Gurdasani, an epidemiologist at Queen Mary University of London, wrote, “The government has made a deliberate choice to expose children to outbreaks rather than to protect or vaccinate them at school. I did. “

“This is unethical and unacceptable. Our young people have already suffered a lot in the past year and have been accused of suffering from the results of this dangerous experiment.”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced earlier this month that the restrictions would be lifted, calling the 19th “Free Day” and asking “if the store can’t open in the next few weeks … then when?” ..

In a statement, Lancet editor Dr. Richard Houghton said, “There is no scientific consensus on the government’s current plan to remove the protection order on July 19, contrary to the statement of government scientists. Instead, there is a deep disagreement. “

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“Many scientists are deeply concerned that the suboptimal double vaccination count and the rapid rise in infection rates are at a very dangerous moment in the pandemic. The order will be removed on 19 July. Not only does it accelerate viral infections, but it also significantly increases acute levels. It creates conditions for illness, hospitalization, and long COVIDs, as well as the emergence of new variants that may escape vaccine protection. “

Dr. Eric Topol, a frank cardiologist and director of the Scripps Research Translational Unit in La Jolla, California, also signed the letter. “The sudden increase in UK Delta variant cases not only causes longer Covids, but already causes more serious illnesses such as hospitalization and death. More time to further improve vaccination rates. It should help reduce the casualties of this Super Spreader stock, “Topol said in a statement.

The British Medical Association also opposes the plan.

According to the British government 86.4% of residents I have been vaccinated at least once with the Covid-19 vaccine and 64.6% are fully vaccinated.

More than 32,000 new infections were reported on Wednesday, and the number of new cases reported in July surged.





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