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Need a COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shot?


Green Bay, Wisconsin (WBAY)-More than six months after the first COVID-19 vaccination in the state, many are beginning to question how long immunity lasts.

Will you need a booster in the future? This is a problem many healthcare professionals have when entering another stage of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Until you understand who needs a booster, what kind of booster you need to develop, or what the dose is, the booster doesn’t really play a role at this point,” UW-Health said. Said Dr. Jim Conway, Medical Director of the Immunization Program.

Dr. Conway said the COVID-19 booster vaccine is not in the near future, but it could happen someday.

“Currently, all companies are researching vaccine booster ideas,” said Dr. Conway. “Therefore, vaccines are designed to trick the immune system into developing defenses and make you think you’re already sick. Boosters are basically reminders that tell the immune system. Remember how to do this. Put it down please.”

Dr. Conway said boosters have always been part of the debate when it comes to vaccines.

“Given many other vaccines, they are vaccinated against tetanus every 5 to 10 years. It is not clear when they were first introduced and we will study these carefully over time. That made it clear, “says Dr. Conway.

The ongoing research seeks to answer two main questions. How long will immunity last, and if the virus continues to mutate, will boosters be needed to target those new mutants? Dr. Conway said it was the mechanism of the flu vaccine. New varieties of influenza are given each year to fight circulating strains.

“Remember that the study of Moderna and Pfizer started over a year ago. They started in the spring of 2020, but they are still being followed because it is so remarkable. They take blood samples on a regular basis to actually test their immunity, so after 6 and 12 months, not only are they very immunized, but some evidence is beginning to show that they are actually immunized. It seems better to stay away from the vaccine, “Dr. Conway said.

“There are several studies, which are done in the laboratory, so it’s not a real scenario, but it’s a study that gives us a clue that the vaccine may be effective for many years,” said ThedaCare. Dr. Jennifer Frank said. Chief Medical Officer. “Therefore, all indications now indicate the fact that there is no immediate need for booster immune vaccines.”

Dr. Conway and Dr. Frank believe that we should continue to focus on getting vaccinated as soon as possible around the world, as we can reduce the need for boosters in the future.

“One of the main concerns is that the more likely the virus is transmitted from person to person, the more likely it is to make mistakes and develop these mutants,” said Dr. Conway. I will.

“The more circulating the virus, the more likely it is that variants will be present. As they continue to change, at some point in the future, the variants will change enough that the vaccine will not be as good as it used to be and boosters. , May require a slightly monitored vaccine, “says Dr. Frank. “Therefore, vaccination of everyone is an important factor in controlling mutations and reducing the need for boosters in the near future.”

Bellin Health is also actively on the lookout for booster shot research, saying: As long as you have enough vaccine, you are ready whenever you need booster immunity. “

ThedaCare continues to follow the CDC guidelines for vaccines, as does UW-Health.

“None of us can comfortably do that until we have the data to support the need to give such a kind of booster,” said Dr. Conway...

Copyright 2021 WBAY. all rights reserved.





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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