Outbreak of RSV: “Flat Tuck” in hospitals and GPs where the virus hits children across New Zealand
Children’s wards and general practice throughout New Zealand are under extreme pressure as the virus keeps babies out of breath behind oxygen masks and alerts worried parents.
The· Influenza-like respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has caused widespread confusion in infant centers as it spreads rapidly across the country.
It’s a normal winter illness, but it was hit hard this year by weakened immunity in children under the age of two because they weren’t exposed to the virus last winter. COVID-19 Blockade and border closure.
Half of the patients with Dr. Polylua Brian Betty on Wednesday were children with respiratory illness.
read more:
* RSV: Babies in the intensive care unit as surgery is delayed, extra staff is brought in, and the number of respiratory virus cases surges
* Capacity of children’s wards in Southland and Otago
* As the number of cases of respiratory virus in Canterbury surges, more infants get sick
Betty, medical director of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners, said she has received reports of “very busy” GPs and full hospitals around New Zealand, especially on the North Island.
“It’s a pretty flat tack at the moment.”
He said the virus was more likely to spread when the family traveled during school vacation next week...
He urged parents to check if their children were concerned, regardless of the message about how much pressure was on the current health system.
According to Perry Rush, president of the New Zealand Principals’ Federation, half of the students in some elementary schools were absent due to respiratory illness.
There were 41 confirmations Cases of RSV in Canterbury alone From June 1st.
Parents at Christchurch Hospital described the entire ward, with many toddlers wearing oxygen masks to aid in breathing. One parent said Wednesday night was flooded with overtime care services and the children had been waiting 2.5 hours for a medical examination at the hospital.
Dr. Ramon Pink, a medical officer at Canterbury, said respiratory illness has surged in the region in the last two weeks.
Further north, Nelson Marlboro Healthboard restricted visitor access To protect vulnerable young people in their children’s wards and special care infant units.
Seven children under the age of five were admitted to Wairau Hospital in Blenheim with RSV symptoms, and 14 were admitted to Nelson.
Children’s ward Southland Hospital was full this week, 9 out of 10 patients in the pediatric ward suffer from respiratory illness.
It is the same pattern elsewhere in the country, with the Capital and Coast and Hat Valley Health Commissions reporting an increase in the number of patients with respiratory illness.
Wellington Regional Hospital had 33 children and two more were admitted to the intensive care unit, while Hat Hospital had 11 child patients.
Chief Medical Officer John Tate said the outbreak across the community was highly contagious.
He urged the general public to stay away, changed hospital appointments if possible, and For parents to keep their children under 12 at home..
Visitor restrictions were set on the maternity wards and units of Wellington Regional Hospital, Kenneple Community Center, Kapiti Health Center, and Hat Hospital.
“Many babies are hospitalized in the pediatric ward and want to keep the virus away from the most vulnerable patients in the newborn ward.”
The 10-bed pediatric unit at Wairarapa Hospital was full and the special care baby unit) was reused as a special care pediatric unit for those in need of additional respiratory assistance.
The Wailarapa District Health Commission (DHB) said the number of infants and toddlers with respiratory illness was “more than normal” and that RSV was likely the cause.
Auckland’s Waitakere DHB was unable to keep track of the number of patients with RSV, but a spokesperson said he saw a “record number” of children being taken to Waitakere Hospital.
Manukau DHB County said presentations at the Kidz First Emergency Department were twice as high as in the summer, from 400 to 450 a week and 800 last week.
As RSV (a potentially deadly respiratory virus) is widespread throughout the country, hospitals are flooded with babies using oxygen and feeding tubes. The Wellington Hospital Children’s Ward has more than 20 babies, many receiving oxygen therapy.
The hospital has remodeled the playroom to create space for 11 special care cribs.
Demand for the National Children’s Hospital Starship has reached “highest ever” in the last two weeks.
In Hawke’s Bay, 25 children were hospitalized as of Thursday afternoon, and RSV was confirmed or suspected, including 5 in the intensive care unit.
Medical Director Dr. Philip Moore said in “My 28 Years as a Hawke’s Bay Pediatrician” I’ve never seen so many sick children in need of hospital treatment. ..
At Waikato Hospital, 44 babies and children were found to be infected with RSV, and 4 were admitted to the intensive care unit.
Tairāwhiti DHB cared for three children suspected of having RSV, while Dr Jeff Brown of MidCentral DHB said he admits 10 to 20 babies and children with respiratory illness, including RSV, daily. It was.
Rotorua Hospital was almost full in all wards. The emergency department examined 129 patients on Wednesday. Of these, 51 were children and 31 were under the age of two.
A spokesman for the Ministry of Health said RSV is a common winter condition and a surge in cases can occur.
A spokesman confirmed that the hospital’s capacity had increased due to the surge in respiratory virus infections, but the Health Commission had plans to meet demand.
What is RSV?
- Common respiratory illnesses caused by viruses
- Usually mild and has cold-like symptoms
- Can be severe in babies and vulnerable adults who may suffer from fever, severe cough, dyspnea
- Parents are advised to call Healthline if they are concerned about 0800 611 116.
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