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Covid-19: WHO’s harsh warning that countries are moving to lift regulations in a pandemic


The World Health Organization has issued strict warnings to countries trying to relax Covid-19 restrictions. Pandemic rages..

British pandemic roadmap I made a headline this week After Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced plans to end social distance, masking and blockade by 19 July.

Johnson also said The pandemic was “far from the end” And that UK “”Sadly, we have to reconcile with more deaths from Covid-19. “..

The UK plan is “Savage Experiments” by New Zealand Experts..The· government And Opposition Both Chris Hipkins and Judith Collins rejected the idea, saying that New Zealanders would not accept the idea here.

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The UK aims to relax Covid-19 restrictions by July this year.  (File photo)

Alberto Pesari / AP

The UK aims to relax Covid-19 restrictions by July this year. (File photo)

WHO officials urged countries to slowly lift Covid-19 restrictions so as not to lose their interests. [they] made”.

Dr. Mike Ryan, Executive Director of the WHO Emergency Program, Media briefing This was intended to encourage countries to share the Covid-19 vaccine.

At the briefing, Ryan was asked to respond to the reopening and lifting of restrictions in the United Kingdom. Ryan emphasized that he did not want to comment on a particular country, adding that all countries had to make their own decisions. But he said the idea that everyone is protected and everything returns to normal is a “very dangerous assumption anywhere in the world.”

This included Europe, where “waves of incidents were seen one after another.”Ryan report As I said in the media briefing.

People are sitting at a table outside Covent Garden in London in June 2021.  (File photo)

Alberto Pesari / AP

People are sitting at a table outside Covent Garden in London in June 2021. (File photo)

Ryan’s warning arises amid new concerns about the epidemic of the highly contagious Delta subspecies that is currently prevalent. Outbreaks seen in some Australian states..

Ryan added that British scientists “are very aware of the threats represented by variants, especially the Delta variant,” and believe they will open up cautiously. Reuters report He said.

He urged the World Government to keep in mind that not all people are vaccinated and that infection may increase after opening.

“As the number of infections in the community increases, we risk the most vulnerable people again.” The Straits Times Reported that he said.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has expressed confidence that the remaining restrictions on social contact in the United Kingdom will be lifted on 19 July.  (File photo)

Jeff J Mitchell / AP

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has expressed confidence that the remaining restrictions on social contact in the United Kingdom will be lifted on 19 July. (File photo)

Responding to the speed of reopening plans in some countries, Ryan said the combination of low vaccination rates, mitigation limits, and circulating mutations threatened a “toxic mixture” for hospitals. Parents report He said.

In answering the question, Ryan said the idea of ​​infecting people early rather than later was “epidemiological stupidity.” Parents Reported that he said.

On Thursday (New Zealand time), WHO 4 million Covid-19 people have died since the pandemic began..

so briefing Dr. Tedros Adanom Gebreyes, WHO Executive Director, said the milestone was “tragic” and likely underestimated the overall casualties.

He added that the world is “in a crisis of this pandemic.”




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