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A new study explains what happens in the brain when you reach for a candy bar instead of an apple-ScienceDaily


Dive into a convenience store for a snack, find an apple, and reach for a candy bar instead. New research suggests that inadequate self-control may not be the only factor behind your choice. According to a new study at Duke University, our brain first processes taste information before taking health information into account.

“We spend billions of dollars on diet products each year, but most people fail when they try to diet,” said Scott Hüttel, co-author of the study at Duke University’s Psychology and Neuroscience. The professor says. “Taste seems to have the advantage of leading us to failure.”

“For many individuals, health information enters the decision-making process too late (compared to taste information) and cannot drive choices towards healthier options.”

New newspaper coming out on July 5th Natural human behaviorExplains that taste is better than health in the decision-making process.

“I always thought people made unhealthy choices because they liked it or because they weren’t good at self-control,” said study co-author Nicorette Sullivan. “It turns out that it’s not just a matter of self-control. Your brain is slow to estimate-it takes time to include that information in the process you choose between options.”

This study was conducted when Sullivan was a postdoc at Duke University. She is currently an assistant professor of marketing at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

For this study, Sullivan and Hüttel recruited 79 young adults with a median age of 24.4 years. Study participants were asked to fast for four hours before the experiment to confirm that they arrived hungry.

Participants were asked to assess the deliciousness, health, and desirability of snack foods. Then they were presented with a pair of foods and asked to choose between them-and researchers timed their choices.

At the end of the experiment, participants were offered one of the foods they chose.

Research participants registered taste information early in the decision-making process. It took about 400 milliseconds on average to incorporate the taste information. Participants took twice as long to incorporate information about their snack health into their decisions.

It may not sound like a lot of time. However, in many cases it is sufficient to change the selection.

“Not all decisions, such as buying a home or going to college, are made quickly. People take time to make those choices,” Hüttel said. “But many of the decisions we make in the world are quick. People look for something in the grocery store or click something online.”

The authors state that their findings may apply not only to food, but to other options as well. For example, some financial decisions, such as savings and spending choices, can also be influenced by how and when the brain processes different types of information.

On the other hand, not everything is lost in the fight against the craving for junk food.

Half of the study participants received a slogan before the experiment, emphasizing the importance of a healthy diet. Those participants were less likely to choose unhealthy snacks.

The authors also identified something simple that could help people choose food. It slows down the decision-making process.

As study participants took longer to consider their options, they tended to choose healthier ones.

“There may be ways to set up the environment to make it easier for people to make healthy choices,” Huettel said. “You want people to think more about food health. It will help move people towards better decisions.”

Story source:

material Provided by Duke University.. Original written by Allison Jones. Note: The content can be edited in style and length.





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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