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Deaths from lung cancer and melanoma are declining: this is why


  • Overall cancer deaths decreased by 2.2% in men and just under 2% in women over a four-year period.
  • Death reduction was consistent across all races and ethnicities.
  • Deaths from lung and skin cancer (melanoma) were significantly reduced compared to other cancers.
  • Experts say that better detection and treatment options have driven much of the improvement in skin and lung cancer survival.

Cancer deaths continued to decline sharply in the United States from 2014 to 2018, primarily due to a decrease in deaths from skin and lung cancers. report..

This report was published by the American Cancer Society, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Cancer Institute, and the North American Central Cancer Registry.

However, according to the report, obesity and a “amazing” increase in total sitting time may be responsible for the significant increase in the number of cases and deaths of other cancers such as breast and pancreatic cancer. ..

All data in the report cover the time before the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Overall cancer deaths have decreased by 2.2% in men and just under 2% in women over four years, according to a new report called the National Annual Report on Cancer Status, in all races and ethnicities. It has decreased consistently.

However, deaths from lung and skin cancer (melanoma) were significantly reduced compared to other cancers.

According to researchers, this reduction caused an overall reduction in cancer mortality, and the reduction in melanoma mortality was considered “substantial.”

An analysis of the long-term trends in cancer mortality in the report also shows that between 2001 and 2018, the decline in mortality rates accelerated in both men and women.

For men, the annual decline of 1.8% from 2001 to 2015 increased to 2.3% annually from 2015 to 2018. For women, the annual decline of 1.4% from 2001 to 2015 accelerated to a 2.1% annual decline from 2015 to 2015. 2018.

According to the report, overall cancer mortality declined in all racial and ethnic groups between 2014 and 2018.

Healthline asked Dr. John Laimo, Director of Medicine, Long Island Jewish Forest Hills, Queens, NY, on reducing deaths from lung and skin cancer.

“It’s encouraging to see increased survival rates for lung and melanoma,” Laimo said. “In both cases, these improvements are the result of research and development of more targeted treatment options with improved efficacy.”

“For lung cancer, focusing on smoking cessation and avoiding smoking also plays a role,” he said.

Raimo added that enhanced screening has also enabled the detection of cancer in the early stages of the disease, which is more easily treatable.

The decline in deaths from other cancers has slowed, and in some cases even reversed.

The report found that the decline in mortality from prostate, colorectal, and breast cancer slowed or stopped, and that mortality from pancreatic, nervous system, and brain cancers increased.

Cancer mortality was reduced in all groups, but black mortality was still higher than white and black mortality was lower than white.

The authors of the report attribute the increase in black cancer deaths to socio-economic factors.

“In addition, individuals in generally black and lower socio-economic groups are generally more exposed to some cancer risk factors, healthy foods, and bodies, primarily because of social determinants of health inequality. A safe place for activity and a base cancer prevention service that is likely to have restricted access to evidence, “the report’s author writes.

by CDCOverweight or obesity is associated with an increased risk of developing 13 types of cancer. Cancer accounts for 40 percent of all cancers diagnosed each year in the United States.

The new report states that the increase and mortality of new cases of cancer, or the slowing of previous declines in other cancers such as the colorectal and breast, is likely due to risk factors such as obesity. I’m discovering.

“We believe that further improvement can be achieved by overtaking the use of tobacco and addressing obesity, which can be a major correctable factor associated with cancer.” Dr. Norman E. Sharpless, Director of the National Cancer Institute, statement..

by Dr. Wasif M. Saif, Deputy Physician, Chief and Medical Director, Northwell Health System Institute, Lake Success, NY, Related Evidence Cancer and obesity It comes from research involving many people.

“People who are overweight or obese are prone to chronic local inflammation, which is thought to be a risk factor for certain malignancies such as Barrett’s esophagus associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease and esophageal adenocarcinoma, or hepatitis for liver cancer.” He said.

Saif also explained that adipose tissue can cause excessive estrogen production, increasing the risk of malignant tumors such as breast and ovarian cancer.

Overweight people are also more likely to have hyperglycemia that may be associated with “promoting a variety of malignancies, especially the colon, kidneys, prostate, and endometrium,” Saif said. ..

“Finally, obesity can also alter the immune response to cancer,” he said.

“The old saying that’prevention is better than cure’also applies to cancer,” Saif said. “Early detection and screening of risk factors, including diet, and correction [and] Exercise is essential to reduce cancer diagnosis and improve outcomes. “

Saif pointed out some lifestyle changes that people can make to reduce their risk of developing cancer.

“Avoiding tobacco, limiting alcohol intake, and eating a balanced diet with exercise can reduce risk,” he said. “Some viruses are associated with an increased risk of cancer. Vaccination is available for human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV).”

He emphasized that regular medical follow-up and following age-appropriate cancer screening guidelines can also help identify the disease in the early stages and “lead to better treatment options and better survival.” ..

According to a new report from the American Cancer Society, the mortality rate and new case rates for many cancers have declined, but the rates for obesity and sedentary lifestyle-related cancers have not.

Experts say that better detection and treatment options drive much of the improvement in survival of skin and lung cancers, and obesity is a factor that must be addressed to reduce cancer mortality associated with this condition. Is called.

They also say that lifestyle changes such as smoking cessation, a balanced diet, increased physical activity, and vaccination against HPV and hepatitis B are actions we can take to reduce the risk of lifelong cancer. Say there is.





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