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Noisy “vaccine sommelier” undermines Brazil’s vaccination campaign, experts say


Rio de Janeiro / São Paulo, July 9 (Reuters)-Recent morning, a row outside the temporary vaccination center in the Copacabana district on the beachside of Rio de Janeiro was asked “Which vaccine are you using?” ..

Despite the world’s second-highest death toll and increasing infectious disease, people across Brazil refuse to receive injections if the vaccines used are unsatisfactory.

Local media call them “vaccine sommeliers.”

There are no official figures for the total number of people cherry-picking the vaccine, but dozens of Brazilian towns take the names of those who refuse to receive the shots provided and move them to crack down on practices. I’m trying. Behind the queue.

Brazilian public health experts say that practices and misleading (or poorly understood) information that encourages them can undermine the country’s vaccination campaign.

They also say it is very selfish.

“This person puts himself at risk and the entire system at risk,” said Alexander Naime Barbosa, a professor of infectious diseases at São Paulo State University. “It shows a lack of empathy, a huge selfishness.”

This is seen as many countries have already vaccinated most of their populations and have lifted restrictions.

The Brazilian Immunology Society said most of the cases involved people who refused the vaccine from China’s Sinovac. (SVA.O) Or-to a lesser extent-AstraZeneca (AZN.L)..Instead, they look for shots from Pfizer (PFE.N) And Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N)..

The WhatsApp group popped up with people exchanging tips for vaccination centers offering more popular shots.

Some are worried that Sinovac’s CoronaVac will not work, while others are worried that Europe and the United States may not be aware of it because travel restrictions have been lifted due to full vaccination.

Brazilian health experts are rushing to dispel concerns, especially regarding CoronaVac, and are fighting a wave of criticism from President Jair Bolsonaro, who mentioned the use of Chinese vaccines earlier this month.

In a late study in Brazil, CoronaVac was 50% effective in preventing symptomatic infections, compared to AstraZeneca in 76% and Pfizer in 95%.

But in the real world, public health experts here claim that CoronaVac has shown to be very effective in reducing hospitalization and mortality.

“Looking at what really matters, reducing the number of hospitalizations and deaths, all the vaccines we have in Brazil are very effective,” Barbosa said.

In the city of São Paulo, Serrana, almost all of the adult population was vaccinated with the coronavirus as part of the study, reducing deaths by 95%. Hospitalizations were reduced by 86% and symptomatological infections were reduced by 80%.

Public health experts also emphasize that the risk of developing blood clots as a result of receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine is extremely rare.

There is no vaccine that scientists emphasize, and it does not completely rule out the possibility of death.

Dimas Covas, director of the Butantan Institute, which manufactures CoronaVac in Brazil, said:

Reported by Pedro Fonseca in Rio de Janeiro and Eduardo Simoes in São Paulo, written by Stephen Eisenhammer.Edited by Chizu Nomiyama

Our criteria: Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.





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