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COVID-19 has caused reduced access to gender-verifying care for transgender and non-binary people: Survey


Edmonton-Many transgender and non-binary people around the world face reduced access to gender-verifying resources during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic, causing a decline in overall mental health. , Facilitated the health care inequality faced by these individuals, According to a new survey.

A survey of 964 transgender and non-binary adults from 76 countries found that between April and August 2020, when the survey was conducted, about half of participants faced reduced access to gender verification resources. It was shown that it was done.

Almost 40% say that the pandemic has reduced their ability to live according to gender.

Brook Jarrett, a research author at John’s Hopkins Bloomberg School, said: “Transgender communities already facing countless health inequalities have access to gender-verifying treatments and mental health resources due to restrictions imposed during COVID. I experienced more health burdens, such as a decrease in my health. ” Press release of public health.

“To move forward, we need to support the trans-community with policies that make gender-verified health care affordable, accessible and essential.”

Using the LGBTQ2S + dating apps Hornet and Her as research platforms, researchers ask participants how pandemics have affected access to gender-verifying resources, mental health, and financial stability. Did.

Citing several other studies conducted during the pandemic process, Jarrett said that measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19, from gender cancellation, face health care faced by transgender and non-binary people. There is increasing evidence suggesting that it has exacerbated the task-surgery recognized as selective, or traveling with unsupported relatives and assigned at birth rather than actual gender. Make sure you need to spend more time on your life depending on your gender.

Analysis of submissions by continental region reveals that many transgender and non-binary people expected financial difficulties such as reduced income and loss of health insurance during the pandemic. became.

Those who reported reduced access to gender-verifying resources were also more likely to report symptoms of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation.

In the “North and South America” ​​region, 60% of participants reported a decrease in access to gender verification resources, and 40% reported a decrease in hormone therapy and / or gender verification drugs.

Over 45% report losing access to cosmetics, cosmetics, wigs, hair removal and other services. All of these can play an important role in the gender verification of a person identified as transgender or non-binary.

“The full range of gender-verifying resources and services, from haircuts to hormone therapy to surgery, is very important for transgender and non-binary individuals. These resources and services provide gender and sensory awareness. It activates and strengthens the interactive process it receives. It is a sense of self and humanity. “

“Gender affirmation also leads to improved mental health and quality of life. Given the wealth of pre-COVID literature, our data are these to support the mental health of transgender and non-binary individuals. It emphasizes the importance of ensuring access to critical resources and services. COVID-19 crisis. “

The pandemic-specific report reflects some of the same concerns raised in the March 2020 National Survey of Transhealth in Canada.

Report published by TransPULSEThe largest national survey of health care for transgender people in Canada shows that transgender and non-binary Canadians are still facing underemployment, problems meeting their healthcare needs, and many. Has been found to be at risk of harassment leading to avoiding certain public spaces.





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