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Questions Asked About Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Request | Local News

Questions Asked About Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Request | Local News


Thursday’s announcement that Pfizer is asking federal regulators to allow booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine has been received for the third time while participating in the company’s clinical trials over the past year. I was surprised at the lack of Larry Magee.

Maggie, a longtime Commissioner in Washington County, volunteered for a clinical trial of Pfizer’s vaccine last year, receiving her first dose in late July and a second injection in mid-August.

He frequently visited Columbus, Ohio, and provided blood samples tested for antibodies. In December, we agreed to continue regular evaluations for another 18 months and take additional shots as needed. However, those who oversee his progress have shown that he has never been given a booster and has lost immunity to the coronavirus after receiving these two original doses last summer.

Maggie said he was at the end of the clinical trial, so I wonder if someone else who was admitted to the program before him had already received the booster.

“I was a little (surprised),” Maggie said of Thursday’s news. “There were different people in the trial. Not all of us started at the same time.”

Pfizer is seeking an emergency use authorization for boosters from the US Food and Drug Administration as more infectious delta variants spread to unvaccinated populations. Both the FDA and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday that they believe that Pfizer’s two-shot regimen does not currently require boosters.

“Americans who are fully vaccinated do not need booster shots at this time,” the FDA and CDC said in a joint statement. “As new data becomes available, we will continue to review and inform the general public. If science proves that a booster dose is needed, we are ready for a booster dose. “

This is the approach taken by Dr. Ameshua Darja, an infectious disease expert in Pittsburgh and a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Health and Security Center, after hearing Pfizer’s request.

“The need for boosters is when we see individuals vaccinated against breakthrough infections need to be hospitalized. It’s just not happening,” Adalja said in a telephone interview on Friday. “The Pfizer vaccine is holding up.”

He thinks it’s too early to say if fully vaccinated people will eventually need a Pfizer booster, but all the evidence he’s seen is that it’s in the short term. Indicates that it is not needed. The situation may change as Pfizer’s clinical research continues and more data is available from the vaccinated population.

“Immune is working. It’s important to study boosters and have a simple (approved) route if needed,” said Adalja. “We have to go through time. We have to track people, not just antibodies, but are we really facing vaccine problems?”

In his announcement, he cited an Israeli study in which Pfizer expressed concern about the efficacy of the vaccine against delta mutants, but studied hospitalization data and statistics on people still dead on COVID-19. He said above that federal regulators believe it is correct.

“Looking at who is hospitalized, they are unvaccinated. Who is dying from COVID-19? Not vaccinated,” he said. “This (decision) must be promoted clinically.”

Maggie hasn’t had any problems since taking it twice last summer and has recorded his experience throughout the process. He has another appointment in Columbus on July 28, and asking medical staff if there are still enough antibodies to prevent the virus could bring up the topic of the third shot. I expect it to be there.

“I don’t know if I’m going to take a shot,” Maggie told him whether he would manage it during his next appointment. “I go there and there is a protocol we go through and they draw blood.”

But he knows he’s willing to accept boosters as needed.

“I already agreed with that,” he said.





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