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Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine can be used effectively and safely among cancer patients


Israeli researchers have conducted a study showing that the use of Pfizer-BioNTech’s Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine appears to be safe and effective among cancer patients.

“As far as we know, this study is the first to positively characterize the serological status, immunogenicity, and safety of the BNT162b2 vaccine in a cohort of patients with solid tumors receiving aggressive chemotherapy. That’s what the Rambam Health Care Campus team wrote. , Haifa’s Rappaport School of Medicine, and Technion-Integrated Cancer Center.

While Effectiveness The safety profile of the COVID-19 vaccine was previously demonstrated in Phase 3 trials, and the team states that cancer patients were not properly represented in these trials.

“More data is needed as it is recommended to prioritize populations at high risk of vaccination,” said Irit Ben-Aharon and colleagues.

As reported in JAMA OncologyIn a prospective cohort study of a team of more than 230 cancer patients, Pfizer-BioNTech’s BNT162b2 vaccine appeared to be safe for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). On the other hand, it was found that a satisfactory level of antibody (seropositive) was achieved. The causative agent of COVID-19.

Study: Serological status and toxic effects of SARS-CoV-2BNT162b2 vaccine in patients treated for cancer. Image Credit: hedgehog94 / Shutterstock

Although there was a significant delay in antibody production between cancer groups compared to healthy controls, seroconversion occurred in most cancer patients after the second dose and reported adverse events were among healthy individuals. It was similar to the one reported in.

Cancer patients may be at risk for more severe COVID-19

Several studies have shown that patients with cancer may be at risk for more severe COVID-19, with metastatic cancer, hematological malignancies, and lung cancer being the major risk factors. It is reported as.

However, other studies have not reported such additional risk among cancer patients compared to the general population.

Regulators have approved the BNT162b2 vaccine developed by Pfizer BioNTech based on a Phase 2/3 trial of more than 43,500 participants who received two vaccinations every 21 days.

However, “cancer was not an exclusion criterion in the study, but pioneering studies did so consider cytotoxicity therapy or the use of systemic corticosteroids throughout the study,” Ben-Aharon et al. Stated.

Herd immunity with BNT162b2 began in Israel in January 2021.

In December 2020, the vaccine was approved for use in Israel and the herd immunity program was launched on January, 2021. High-risk populations, including health care workers and cancer patients, were prioritized as the first line of vaccination.

“Actual data on vaccine efficacy have emerged with positive results in the general population, but there is a lack of data on efficacy and safety in the population of cancer patients,” the researchers said. I am.

Despite this lack of data, the team adds that some specialized organizations recommend vaccination of cancer patients, along with guidelines that cover the entire population of cancer patients, regardless of treatment type. ..

What did the researchers do?

Mass vaccination of high-risk populations began in Israel on January 10thIn 2021, researchers enrolled and followed up with vaccinated cancer patients during a regular visit to the oncology department of the Lanvin Healthcare Campus during January And March 14thth, 2021.

The study cohort included 232 patients with solid tumors who were actively treated after the first or second dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine and 261 age-matched health care workers who acted as controls. Was there.

Serum samples were collected after each vaccination and a questionnaire on socio-demographic factors and side effects was performed.

Anti-SARS-CoV in samples collected before the second dose (more than 10 days after the first dose) and 14 days after the second dose using a regulatory-approved assay. -2 Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody was evaluated.

What did the study find?

Of the 232 patients receiving cancer treatment, 132 were male (57%), with an average age of 66 years (ranging between 25 and 88 years).

Of the 261 control participants, 118 were male (45%) with an average age of 59 years (age range 25-81 years).

Most patients (74%) have metastatic disease, with the most common cancers being the gastrointestinal tract (27%), genitourinary system (21%), lungs (19%), and breast (18%).

The treatment protocols followed were 58% chemotherapy, biopharmaceuticals (35%), and immunotherapy (36%), with some patients receiving multiple treatment types.

After the first vaccination, 29% of cancer patients were seropositive, compared to 84% of controls.

However, seroconversion occurred at a higher rate in the cancer cohort after the second dose, with a seropositive rate of 86%.

The adverse events reported by cancer patients were similar to those previously reported by healthy individuals.

What did the author conclude?

According to the team, the BNT162b2 vaccine is safe and has a satisfactory level of seropositive in patients being treated for cancer, but protection may occur later compared to healthy individuals.

Researchers also found that the potential intention to reject the second vaccine in some jurisdictions due to lack of vaccine is to reassess an endemic population, such as cancer patients, given the delay in immunogenicity. It states that it means justifying.





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