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Influenza vaccination may mitigate the serious effects of Covid.Medical research


According to major studies, people vaccinated against the flu are partially protected from some of the serious effects of the coronavirus and may be less likely to require urgent treatment.

An analysis of approximately 75,000 Covid patients found that among those vaccinated against influenza, stroke, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), sepsis were significantly reduced, and hospitalization in emergency departments and intensive care units was reduced. I found out that I did.

The flu vaccine did not reduce Covid’s mortality in this study, Previous research suggest Jab may provide some protection against the coronavirus by strengthening the innate immune system, the body’s general defenses that do not target specific pathogens.

Another explanation is possible. Patients who received the flu vaccine may have been in better health than those who did not, and researchers tried to take this into account, but such adjustments are not easy.

“We have detected an association that appears to indicate that influenza vaccination provides some protection against severe Covid-19 disease,” said Devinder Singh, senior author of a study at the University of Miami and professor of clinical surgery. Says.

If the findings are supported by further research, they will not be able to compete with wealthier countries for the Covid vaccine, and for countries where the burden of influenza and coronavirus may combine to overextend medical services. May be the most valuable.

“It is very important to emphasize the absolute recommendation of the Covid-19 vaccine. It does not suggest that the flu vaccine is a suitable alternative to the Covid-19 vaccine,” said Professor Singh. ..

Researchers compare the electronic health records of 37,377 Covid patients in the United Kingdom, the United States, and elsewhere who have been vaccinated against influenza with the electronic health records of the same number of Covid patients who have not been vaccinated against influenza. did. The two groups of patients were in close agreement on age, gender, ethnicity, health issues such as diabetes and lung disease, lifestyle factors such as diet, and smoking.

Scientists analyzed how often patients suffer from any of 15 potentially serious health effects, from blood clots and heart attacks to kidney and respiratory failure, four months after Covid’s diagnosis.

Findings presented at an online conference of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases suggest that influenza vaccines may protect against some medical problems caused by Covid. Studies show that Covid patients who are not vaccinated against the flu are 45% to 58% more likely to have a stroke, about 40% more likely to develop DVT, and 36% more likely to have sepsis. It was 45% higher. They were also more likely to be admitted to the intensive care unit and more likely to visit the emergency department of the hospital frequently.

“Influenza vaccines non-specifically stimulate the immune system and may have its benefits, but are these associations the cause or are there common factors such as social deprivation?” , I’m always wondering why they are so closely related, “said Professor Peter Openshaw, a member of the government’s New Respiratory Virus Threat Advisory Group (Nervtag). It was. “People who have been vaccinated against the flu may be in good health in other ways.”

“The best way to protect yourself from Covid is to get the Covid vaccine,” he added.

With interim advice from the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization, the NHS is preparing to offer its annual Covid booster shots. Flu vaccination From September. Ministers are particularly concerned that the flu, which was almost non-existent last season, will bounce dangerously in the winter, just as the Covid case peaks again.

“One of the big risks I and others were worried about was Bad flu seasonWe were able to see 20,000 people dead, “Vaccine Minister Nadhim Zahawi told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show.




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