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Are you confused about sunscreen? Answer 7 Frequently Asked Questions


Right-hearted vacationers and beach day travelers will not leave home without one or two sunscreens. We all know that sunburn is not only painful, but also very bad for the skin. And we know that it is essential to apply a generous amount of cream to prevent the risk of developing skin cancer.

But in essence, how much do you really know about sunscreen? For example, can I still use the bottle I bought last year? Do children need more protection than adults? And what about those new face fogs? Are they really strong enough to prevent harmful rays?

We asked a skin care professional to fill in 7 common stuff SPF Query.

1. Will the sunscreen disappear?

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Woman with sunscreen lotion relaxing on the beach

“Yes, if you use an SPF that has expired, you will not be able to effectively protect it,” said Abi Cleeve, MD and SkinSense founder at Ultrasun UK. “Always check the small symbol on the bottle, which is the pot with the number of months valid after opening.”

She adds: “All Ultrasun products have a shelf life of 2 years after opening, compared to the average of 6-12 months for most sunscreens, depending on the particular layered formulation used.”

2. Does my child always have to wear Factor 50?

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Mother applying sunscreen lotion to her child on the beach

Laura Harker, Chief Screening Nurse at The Mole Clinic, said: This is because their skin is much more sensitive than adult skin, and the damage caused by repeated exposure to sunlight can lead to skin cancer in later years. “

She said, “Depending on the age and strength of the sun, parents recommend that their children use at least SPF30. Ideally, during the summer, children should be properly dressed and shaded. You have to spend time in, especially from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm when the sun is strongest. “

3. Why do sunscreens sometimes give you spots?

“This can often be due to the formula,” says Cleeve. “Physical formulations can adhere to the surface of the skin and cause irritation, and the presence of scents and emulsifiers can cause sensitive skin to react.”

If you’re looking for a non-acne sunscreen that avoids these acne-causing irritants and doesn’t block your pores, check out the ingredient list.

“The spots may be due to improper removal of sunscreen,” said Chelsey Edmunds, Escentual’s campaign and communications manager. “The filter can clog the pores, so use an oil-based cleanser to remove it.”

4. Does SPF Mist really protect your face well?

“A high quality mist sunscreen is as effective as a high quality cream sunscreen if you apply enough mist,” says Harker.

To get enough coverage, “You need to be a little more cautious to make sure you don’t miss any bits, so be sure to rub these too. After the first full application, the mist will be” on the go “or Great for tops-more than just make-up. “

5. Does a foundation containing sunscreen work the same as applying sunscreen with the same SPF?

“No, not all foundations are broad spectrum, so Grapes “Rays,” says Edmonds. “This is because we need to have more pigment in the foundation and therefore fewer filters. To get the same amount of protection from SPF30 in the wide spectrum, we need to apply 15 layers of foundation. There is. “

In addition, there is the issue of recoating, Harker points out. “All sunscreens need to be reapplied frequently to maintain their effectiveness, and most people don’t want to reapply foundations often, so using SPF increases the risk of underprotection Foundation. “

6. Is sunscreen really waterproof?

“Waterproof sunscreens don’t really exist. Water resistant sunscreens do,” says Edmonds. That is, it has been tested to ensure up to 40 minutes of underwater resistance.

Don’t forget to reapply, even if you’re not swimming. “These sunscreens need to be reapplied more often, as they reduce the important sunscreen factor as soon as they are exposed to water or sweat.”

7. Are expensive sunscreens really good, or are you just paying for the brand name?

When choosing a sunscreen, regardless of brand or price, you need to consider the SPF number (UVB), percentage UVA filter, and formula, says Cleeve. “Choose an SPF of 30 or higher and a UVA percentage filter of over 90%. Ultrasun makes it easy to give percentages to your product.”

Harker recommends choosing products with a 4-star or 5-star UVA rating instead of ” [based on] High prices do not necessarily mean high protection. “

Beyond these important ratings, Edmonds states that the price difference between sunblocks results in “technology and texture.” Like many things in life, you get what you pay for. Better quality sunscreens generally provide better ingredients, joy, and better protection for your skin, but you can get enough protection from affordable products. “




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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