People given “friendly” bacteria to nasal drops protected from meningitis
A new immunological study led by Professor Robert Read and Dr. Jay Laver of the NIHR Center for Biomedical Research and the University of Southampton is the first of its kind.
Together they inserted the gene into a harmless type Bacteria, It allows it to stay in the nose and provoke an immune response. These bacteria were then introduced into the nose of healthy volunteers via nasal drops.
Results published in the journal Scientific translation medicine, Showed a strong immune response against the bacteria that cause meningitis. These data also show long-term protection.
Meningitis affects people of all ages, but primarily affects infants, toddlers, and the elderly. Meningococcal meningitis is a bacterial disease that causes 1,500 cases annually in the United Kingdom. Death can occur only 4 hours after the onset of symptoms.
About 10% of adults have meningococci behind the nose and throat and have no signs or symptoms. However, in some people it can invade the bloodstream. It can lead to life-threatening conditions such as meningitis and sepsis.
The “friendly” bacterium Neisserialactamica (N.lactamica) also naturally inhabits the nose of some people. Blocking the nose prevents severe meningitis. It does so by denying the scaffolding of its close cousin, Neisseria meningitidis.
The new data is based on the team’s previous work aimed at taking advantage of this natural phenomenon. The study showed that 60% of participants had meningococcal nasal sprays blocking the colonization of meningococci.
For those people, N.lactamica locked out its deadly cousin. It facilitated work to ensure that N. meningitidis becomes more effective in replacing N. meningitidis.
The team achieved this by handing over one of the main weapons of N. meningitidis, a “sticky” surface protein that grabs the cells that line the inside of the nose. A copy of the gene for this protein can also be replaced by inserting it into the DNA of N. lactamica.
In addition to eliciting a stronger immune response, those modified bacteria remained longer. It existed for at least 28 days and most participants (86%) had it for 90 days and did not cause any harmful symptoms.
The results of a study funded by the Medical Research Council are promising for this new way of preventing life-threatening infections without drugs. This is an approach that can be important in the face of increased antibiotic resistance.
Dr. Jay Labor, Principal Investigator of Molecular Microbiology at the University of Southampton, commented: ..
“Theoretically, bacteria can express any antigen, which means they can be adapted to fight a large number of infections that enter the body through the upper respiratory tract. In addition to providing vaccine antigens. Advances in synthetic biology may also use transgenic bacteria to generate and provide therapeutic molecules in the near future.
Professor Reed, director of the NIHR Southampton Center for Biomedical Research, said: nose Drops containing genetically modified friendly bacteria. This will be a very successful and popular way to protect people from various illnesses in the future. ”
Jay R. Laver et al, a recombinant symbiotic bacterium, elicits a heterologous antigen-specific immune response during pharyngeal carriage. Scientific translation medicine (2021). DOI: 10.1126 / scitranslmed.abe8573
Provided by
University of Southampton
Estimate: Meningitis-protected nasal drops given “friendly” bacteria (July 12, 2021), https: // -Nose-Obtained from meningitis.html July 12, 2021
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