COVID Vaccines and Masking: CDC vs. WHO Discussion on Masks for Children, Teachers, etc.
For the latest news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, please visit: WHO And CDC website.
Highly contagious and deadly Coronavirus delta mutant Increasing health organizations are struggling to determine if it is safe for fully vaccinated people to stop wearing face masks indoors.US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announces New guidance Safe for fully vaccinated teachers and students last week Skip face mask.. At the same time, vaccine maker Pfizer Create a booster shot of the COVID-19 vaccine In the light of the rise of delta variants. For some, the two actions are inconsistent advice that is not summed up.
The CDC’s stance is also inconsistent with the World Health Organization’s recommendation to delay the rapidly expanding delta variant. Everyone In crowded areas, even those who have been vaccinated for the second time by Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, etc. for more than two weeks should continue to wear face masks.
Contradictory guidance occurs when the delta variant continues to: Dominate new cases around the world -Including the United States, which is responsible for half of all cases in many parts of the United States President Joe Biden said Tuesday.
Both WHO and the CDC agree that unvaccinated people should continue to wear face masks. But given that vaccinated people have a high ERA against Delta mutants and other COVID strains, why some medical professionals are at odds with your nose and mouth barriers. Is it? Does the dispute result in legal liability, politics or science? We will continue to update this story.
What is the CDC guidance for children and teachers?
For fully vaccinated teachers and students, the CDC states that it is no longer necessary to wear masks inside the school building. Unvaccinated people (2 years and older) must wear a mask indoors, but not outdoors.
In the child care program, for schools with children under the age of 12, children of this age are not yet covered by the COVID-19 vaccine, so the use of universal masks can be implemented. If the coronavirus infection is high in the community, the mask obligation may also come into effect.
For schools that cannot provide sufficient physical distance, the CDC states that a “hierarchical COVID-19 prevention strategy” needs to be implemented to protect children and teachers who are not fully vaccinated. I will.
read more: According to the CDC, schools should prioritize face-to-face learning this fall.
Why are experts at odds over the masks of vaccinated people?
In June, WHO staff repeated many years Everyone is advised to wear a mask To stop the spread of the virus. Meanwhile, the CDC continues to support guidance that fully vaccinated Americans no longer need to wear masks indoors or maintain social distance.Last week, White House Dr. Anthony Fauci, Chief Medical Advisor, said: People who have been vaccinated twice need to “take an extra step” by wearing a mask when traveling to places with low vaccination rates.
A few days after WHO recommended that people vaccinated with COVID-19 continue to wear face masks, Forch explained why the advice was different from that of the CDC. “There is a reason for that,” he said. Virtual White House Press Conference.. “WHO is responsible for the entire planet. It is generally different from here in the United States in the world.”
Therefore, while the majority of people are unvaccinated while WHO monitors pandemics around the world, the CDC shows that the vaccine works very effectively against hospitalization with delta variants. Corresponds to the US situation shown.only 11.6% According to the vaccine tracker site Our World in Data, one of the world’s population is fully vaccinated. The United States almost quadruples that number. 47.7% of Americans According to the Mayo Clinic, it is considered fully vaccinated as of July 4.
For Fauci and the CDC, the urgency is not to wear a face mask after vaccination, but to get more Americans vaccinated in the first place. On July 4, Fauci said: 99.2% of COVID-related deaths Last month unvaccinated people were involved.
What is WHO’s position on wearing masks?
It is important for WHO officials to always wear a mask, even for those who are vaccinated. Said at a press conference In late June. “You can’t feel safe just because you take it twice. You still have to protect yourself.”
Dr. Maria van Kelhob, an American infectious disease epidemiologist, said in the same briefing that wearing masks in public places would prevent people from inhaling particles that could cause illness. He said it was essential.
While the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are displayed Robust protection against variants, “Breakthrough” infections can still occur sporadically. In an incident in early June, a fully vaccinated woman died of COVID-19 in Napa, California.She was over 65 Reported to have an underlying medical condition..
CDC Guidance: Can be maskless if fully vaccinated
The· CDC’s current guidance on wearing masks It remains the same for fully vaccinated people. According to the guidelines, a fully vaccinated person can “restart activities without wearing a mask or physically leaving” unless necessary, such as on an airplane or company. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky NBC Today Show On June 30, fully vaccinated people said they were protected from the delta mutant.
A new CDC guidance updated on Friday states that fully vaccinated teachers and students do not need to wear masks in school. In addition, school precautions should not exclude students from face-to-face learning, stating that “safely returning to face-to-face instruction in the fall of 2021 is a priority.”
The· CDC warned CNN If fully vaccinated people are exposed, the chances of getting a new variant are still small. We asked the CDC for comment.
Why are coronavirus delta mutants so serious?
The delta variant is the latest new coronavirus variant, the most contagious variant identified so far, and According to WHO.. Delta variants have been identified in 85 countries so far and have spread to unvaccinated people, the organization said at a news conference.
“Delta variants are currently the greatest threat in the United States to attempts to eliminate COVID-19,” Fauci said. Said at the White House press conference June 22nd.
Are there any obligations or stricter restrictions on new masks?
In some countries, COVID-19 restrictions have already begun to be tightened. For example 4 cities across Australia Returned to the blockade, including Sydney’s New South Wales. In the United States Los Angeles County Masks are not needed in most places, but face masks are highly recommended indoors, regardless of whether someone is vaccinated.Some countries in Africa and Asia -For example, South Africa and Malaysia-have also moved to blockage due to the spread of delta variants.
In some places, such as airports and airlines, we never relaxed our mask obligations. In the United States, other public transport requires masks such as buses and trains.
For more information, you need to know the following: “Long COVID” and how to handle it..Also read these Side effects of COVID-19 vaccine And Important precautions when inoculating the COVID-19 vaccine..
The information contained in this article is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended to provide health or medical advice. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about your medical condition or health goals.
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