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Mosquito control officials urge Pasadena to take action after West Nile virus claims first California victims in 2021 – Pasadena now


Courtesy San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District Facebook

Following the first reported West Nile virus death in California this year, local mosquito control authorities are telling people what they can do to prevent them from becoming infected with the deadly mosquito-borne virus.

This includes eliminating all pooled water sources by emptying flowerpots, old car tires, buckets and other containers so that there is no place for virus-borne mosquitoes to breed. ..

The California Public Health Service (CPDH) said it died in San Luis Obispo County on Friday, July 9.

“As West Nile virus activity in the state is increasing, we urge Californians to take all possible precautions to prevent mosquito bites,” said Dr. Thomas J. Aragon, Director of Public Health, California. Stated.

Levy Sun, Communications Director of the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District (SGVMVCD), regularly dumps stagnant water and throws unused containers that could become mosquito breeding grounds, Picaridin, DEET. , And lemon eucalyptus oil that protects against mosquito bites.

“It’s primarily a bird disease, so it seems to be a virus that actually spreads between mosquitoes and birds and then returns to mosquitoes,” Sun said. “But the way we urbanized in cities allowed people to be part of the infection cycle.”

West Nile virus (WNV) infects humans and animals by being bitten by infected mosquitoes. According to CDPH, WNV was detected in 45 dead birds in 6 counties and 177 mosquito samples in 13 counties.

“This month’s high temperatures have contributed to the increased number of mosquitoes and the increased risk of viral transmission to humans,” said a CDPH statement. “So far this season, activity is within expected levels. The risk of illness from WNV usually increases during this time and is highest from summer to early autumn.”

According to CDPH, most people have a low risk of serious illness, but some can develop serious neurological disorders such as encephalitis and meningitis (less than 1%). People over the age of 50, as well as people with diabetes and high blood pressure, are more likely to get sick and develop complications from WNV infection.

To protect against WNV, CDPH recommends that individuals practice three Ds.

• Apply DEET, or an insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, lemon eucalyptus oil, or IR3535, as directed on the label.

• Dawn and dusk. This means wearing proper clothing and insect repellent, especially in the early morning and evening, to prevent mosquito bites.And

• Drainage. This means eliminating all stagnant water sources and preventing mosquitoes from breeding near your home.

Also, if you know of a swimming pool that is not properly maintained, please call (626) 814-9466 and contact SGVMVCD immediately.visit For more information.

WNV website in California, the latest information on WNV activities in the state. Californians are advised to report dead birds on their website or by calling the toll-free number (877) WNV-BIRD (968-2473).

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