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State Aggregation of First Vaccine Dose Reduced 500,000 Times After Data Review | Local News

State Aggregation of First Vaccine Dose Reduced 500,000 Times After Data Review | Local News



Harrisburg-The State Department of Health has quietly reduced the number of people who appear to have been vaccinated at least once a weekend, while increasing the total number of people who have been fully vaccinated by 64,000.

This number includes people in 66 of the 67 counties in Pennsylvania. It does not include Philadelphia, its own vaccine jurisdiction. In all 67 counties, the proportion of fully vaccinated people over the age of 18 was 61%, a slight increase of 64,000.

Maggi Barton, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Health, said government officials have been working to correlate both first and second doses to individual residents. As a result, we have removed duplicate data resulting from the provider using software that does not contain a unique patient ID. They also said it was difficult to track people receiving first and second doses from different providers.

“We recommend that everyone who receives a second dose of the vaccine receive a second dose, so we also have dedicated staff to maintain the integrity of the data,” says Barton.

“We’ve updated the Pennsylvania Vaccine Dashboard to better reflect the reality that more Pennsylvania people are stepping up to get a full vaccination. In fact, more than 60,000 people. The additional Pennsylvania are fully vaccinated, more accurately reflecting the number of people who received the first vaccination with the double vaccination. “

Data on Friday show that the total dose of vaccine is just under 11.3 million, starting on Thursday with 11.8 million doses.

On Monday, the Ministry of Health said 11.33 million vaccinations had been taken and 5.56 million Pennsylvanians were fully vaccinated. As of Sunday, Pennsylvania ranks fifth among all 50 states in total dose, according to the CDC.

This change occurs when state officials consider nationwide whether or how to deal with vaccine hesitation due to reduced vaccination coverage.

In late June, Parliamentarians submitted a Wolf bill banning schools, most universities, states, counties, and local governments from demanding COVID vaccination for services.

The wolf rejected the bill earlier this month, calling it “misplaced and irresponsible.”

R-Ferndale’s state councilor Jim Rigby said on Monday that data changes could increase skepticism among people in the community who are already distrustful of the state’s COVID response, and more. He said he was calling on people to be vaccinated.

“I got mine. It should be everyone’s choice,” he said.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday that the FDA and CDC are investigating whether the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome, which damages nerve cells. Side effects are associated with men over the age of 50.

“Emergency use is approved. There is certainly a warning flag,” Rigby said. “And we’re telling everyone to get it. What do you do for third-year college students who don’t want to get it for health reasons? They’re not going to end that student Isn’t it? “

John Finnerty is based in Harrisburg and is responsible for state government and politics. Follow him on Twitter @CNHIPA..





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