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Research suggests that the majority of vaccine skeptics plan to reject the COVID-19 vaccine, which could be a big deal


When a new coronavirus vaccine becomes available, Maybe play a Main role In determining when Americans can always return to normal life. On April 30, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Available by January 2021.

Whether a vaccine can successfully end this pandemic depends, however, on its effectiveness in providing immunity to the virus, or on how quickly it can be produced in large quantities. Americans also have to choose to be vaccinated.

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by A fewEstimate, 50% to 70% of Americans need to develop immunity to COVID-19, either naturally or through a vaccine, to prevent the spread of the virus. If these estimates are correct, it could mean that nearly twice as many Americans as are currently choosing to vaccinate against seasonal influenza should choose to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. .. Only 37% Between 2017 and 2018 for American adults, Historically tough Flu season.

To further complicate matters, people who are skeptical about the safety of a vaccine (sometimes called “anti-boxers”) may not choose to receive a coronavirus vaccine. According to some estimates, about One-fifth To Two fifths Many Americans have expressed reservations about vaccine safety. If most of these individuals refrain from vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine, they can jeopardize the recovery process.

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One of us Doctoral candidate, And the other Professor, Both are studying vaccine resistance. We conducted a study that is currently undergoing peer review. As soon as the COVID-19 vaccine became available, we estimated the number of Americans who were willing to accept it. We will also investigate why some Americans refuse the vaccine.

About one-fifth of Americans, and more than half of those who are skeptical of vaccine safety, have found that they may be reluctant to pursue vaccination. Most Americans will be vaccinated, but non-compliance rates can be high enough to pose a threat to population immunity.

Is Coronavirus Changing Thinking About Vaccine Safety?

On the other hand, the pandemic becomes an anti-boxer Change their hearts. One of the reasons many Americans doubt the safety of a vaccine is Self-satisfaction – Due to high vaccine compliance Once reached Percentage of the US epidemic, a segment of the population can retain its anti-vaccine view without jeopardizing public health.

Consistent with this view, if research is concerned that people may once again re-emerge and reach epidemic levels when almost eradicated illnesses More likely to trust recommendations From a public health expert. Furthermore, National survey It suggests that people living in parts of the world where epidemic threats are more likely are more likely to take a more positive view of the vaccine than in other parts of the world.

Studies based on in-depth interviews with parents further suggest that parents who choose not to vaccinate their children are often willing to accept treatment with their children. Life-threatening illness.

On the other hand, however, there may still be suspicions about the COVID-19 vaccine when anti-Vaxxer becomes available. Prominent anti-vaccine website Distribution of false information about the COVID-19 vaccine has begun. For example, the idea that vaccines have been around for years and are kept away from public consumption. Moreover, a recent study found that anti-vaccine views Psychological and moral dislike Vaccination means that changing attitudes can be difficult.

What do the anti-boxers say today?

We have set out to investigate this important question. A demographically representative study of 493 U.S. adults on April 15, 2020, shows skepticism about vaccine safety plans to vaccinate against COVID-19. I investigated if there is.

Specifically, we asked respondents if they would be willing to be vaccinated against COVID-19 once the vaccine becomes available. Almost one-quarter of respondents (23%) say they don’t.

In addition, 62% of those skeptical of the vaccine said they would refrain from COVID-19 vaccination, consistent with the view that even global pandemics may not vaccinate anti-vaccinated people.

To assess this, vaccine skepticism was measured by asking the respondent three questions about whether the vaccine is safe, effective, and / or important. Normal measurement. Respondents indicated whether each feature considered the vaccine to be described as “significant,” “moderate,” “little” or “totally.” Next, the three scores were averaged to create a vaccine skeptic scale.

Almost one-fifth (19%) of the respondents were skeptical of vaccines. Of the vaccine skeptics, 62% say they will not be vaccinated against COVID-19. In contrast, only 15% of those who favor the vaccine, rather than skeptics, say they don’t get the COVID-19 vaccine.

We also asked respondents if they identified themselves as anti-boxers, and about 16% said they did. Of those who were identified as anti-Baxar, 44% said they would not be vaccinated against COVID-19, compared with 19% who were not.

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Threat to collective immunity?

Although these findings are preliminary, many people with anti-vaccine beliefs say that compliance issues could jeopardize their effectiveness when the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available. Suggests. Moreover, anti-vaccine sentiment seems to be at least as widespread as it was before the pandemic began.

The disadvantage of this study is that it does not directly measure long-term vaccine emotional changes. However, the level of anti-vaccine sentiment seen in this data is comparable to similar levels of anti-vaccine sentiment in pre-pandemic Americans: Previousthe study. By tracking public attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccine, public health agencies better understand why they are going to get the vaccine and why some people may choose to refuse it. can do.

This article was republished from Conversation under the Creative Commons License. Read the original article here: -big-issue-137559.

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