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New COVID-19 cases climb to LI at about the same height as last summer at this time

New COVID-19 cases climb to LI at about the same height as last summer at this time


According to the latest state statistics, Long Island sees new cases of COVID-19 at about the same level as last summer, despite the launch of a large-scale vaccination program earlier this year. I am.

According to data and medical experts, the number of COVID-19 cases identified on Long Island almost doubled last week, supported by highly contagious delta mutants and a significant portion of the unvaccinated population. became.

The 7-day daily average for new cases in Long Island reached 109 on Wednesday, compared to 117 on July 14, 2020, according to the latest results released on Wednesday.

Just a week ago, the average daily for 7 days on Long Island was 63 cases per day.

In the latest daily numbers, Long Island had a total of 132 cases in test results from Tuesday — 72 in Nassau County and 60 in Suffolk County. There were 476 people in New York City.

The positive rate for Long Island reached 1.1% compared to the 1.2% reported a year ago. New York State reached 1.0% against 1.1%, and New York City reached 1% against 1.1%.

At least one health expert said last summer was the lowest point on the COVID-19 index, but said trends were a concern.

Dr. Rory Rubin, Head of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Northwell Health, said: “It’s still a small number, but I’m just worried about where it’s going.”

He said the main factor was the spread of delta mutants, along with a significant number of people who had not yet been vaccinated.

“Higher vaccination rates will undoubtedly slow down the effects of this delta mutation,” he said.

He said a recent test showed that 45% of the COVID-19 cases identified in New York City were caused by the delta mutation.

Medical professionals are also increasing in number as most obligations such as wearing masks and social distance have been withdrawn and people want to return to normal activity even if they are not vaccinated. Say there is.

Scientists say that even if a vaccinated person tests positive for the virus, the vaccine will significantly reduce deaths and serious illnesses that require hospitalization. State officials reported 55 hospitalizations on Long Island on Tuesday. This decreased from 65 cases a week ago, but increased from 50 cases on July 9.

The COVID-19 index has increased over two weeks across Long Island and the state. For the fourth consecutive day on Tuesday, daily positive levels in virus testing exceeded 1% across the state.

The proportion of new daily cases in Nassau is increasing faster than that in Suffolk, with an average higher than that seen a year ago. For the seven days leading up to July 13, Nassau had 62 new positive test results per day, an increase of 82.4% over the 34 new cases per day seen a week ago. A year ago, Nassau’s 7-day average of new cases was 48.

Nassau’s growth rate is higher than that seen throughout the state (69.6%) and New York City (74.7%).

Overall, the average daily number of cases on Long Island increased by 73% in a week.

In Suffolk, the average daily increase was 62.1% from 29 to 47. A year ago, the daily average for Suffolk was 69.

Across the state, two people died on Tuesday due to a virus-related cause. One of the dead was Nassau County.

Meanwhile, Yale University epidemiologists estimate that the New York City vaccination campaign prevented approximately 250,000 COVID-19 cases, 44,000 hospitalizations, and 8,300 viral deaths.

The study examined the impact of the city’s vaccination campaign from its inception to July 1.

The city’s Ministry of Health has also released data showing how vaccines prevent illness and death.

From January 1st to June 15th, about 98.4% of hospitalizations and 98.8% of deaths from COVID-19 infections were completely unvaccinated, the agency said.

“Vaccines are safe and surprisingly effective in protecting you and your loved ones,” Health Commissioner Dr. Dave A. Chokshi said in a statement.

“Our city has experienced so much suffering that hospitalization and death cannot continue unnecessarily. The risk is very high and emphasizes how urgent it is for New Yorkers to be vaccinated. I can not do it.”

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo asked Wednesday about a press conference at the Brooklyn Church reporting that, unlike states such as California, Florida, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, he only published COVID deaths confirmed in the lab. It was. We reported the case this way.

“When it comes to reporting COVID, we are constantly reporting the results of COVID tested in the lab. This is always being reported. The CDC is seeking additional information — the term COVID can cause death. Forget about sex, or presumption, and report, and they report. “

With Matthew Chase

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