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According to experts, if a sufficient number of US adults are not vaccinated with Covid-19, infants will pay for it.


In the United States, children are not able to pay the price because they are not vaccinated high enough to slow or stop the proliferation of Covid-19 in most states, according to vaccination experts. It is said that the sex is high.
Patrick T. Fallon / AFP / Getty Images

Children may pay enough to delay or stop the spread because adults in the United States are not vaccinated. COVID19, Has been Soaring in most states Vaccine experts said.

Vaccination rates for adults and children over 12 years old Delta variantDr. Peter Hotez, a vaccinologist and dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, said the youngest members of the population would be most affected.

“Infection will continue to accelerate … and in addition to unvaccinated adolescents, it is the small children who rely on adults and adolescents to vaccinate to delay or stop the infection.” He said.

In 46 states, the incidence of new cases last week was at least 10% higher than the incidence of new cases last week, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

According to the latest Los Angeles County health data, the country’s most populous Los Angeles County has seen a 500% increase in cases over the past month.

“”Each patient “I admitted that Covid hasn’t been fully vaccinated yet,” County Health Services Director Dr. Christina Garry told the supervisory board on Tuesday.

The Health Department operates four hospitals, including the University of California, Los Angeles and the University of Southern California, and 19 medical centers throughout the region.

As the number of cases increases nationwide, only 48.2% of the population is fully vaccinated. According to the data From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Also, while Covid-19’s low mortality rate could dispel the risk of low vaccination rates for children, Hotez says it remains at risk of serious complications. I did.

In Mississippi, seven children are on intensive care with Covid-19 and two are on ventilator. State health officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs tweeted Tuesday night. More adolescents could be hospitalized, adding that up to 30% of infected children develop long-distance Covid-19, Hotez said.

Nationally, the total number of new daily Covid-19 hospitalizations could increase over the next four weeks. Ensemble forecast has been released Wednesday by the CDC project. Predictably, there will be 2,100 to 11,000 new confirmed Covid-19 hospitalizations on August 9. Hospitalizations have been steadily declining since late April, according to US Department of Health and Human Services data.

Scientists are now also learning about the neurological effects of long-range Covid-19, Hotez said. Several studies have shown the effects on the brains of people infected with the virus. In a study in April 34% of Covid-19 survivors were diagnosed Neurological or psychological state within 6 months of infection.

“What you are doing is completely unnecessarily blaming the entire generation of adolescents for neurological damage,” Hotez said. “It’s quite painful and not frustrating for a vaccine scientist like me to see this happen.”

Discussion on vaccine obligations

As experts emphasize the importance of vaccination against the majority of Americans, some officials are arguing whether vaccination is mandatory at the local level. Some schools and employers have already taken steps to require students and employees to be vaccinated before returning home.

last month, Morgan Stanley Unvaccinated employees, guests and clients have been announced to be banned from the New York headquarters. During April Houston Methodist, A network of eight hospitals said all employees need to be vaccinated. Of the 26,000 employees 153 people resigned or fired As a result of refusing the vaccine.

That same month American College Health Association Issued Policy Statement To the extent permitted by state law and resources, we recommend Covid-19 vaccination requirements for all university students on campus in the next fall semester.

However, many states are trying to thwart such requirements.

According to a CNN analysis, at least seven states in Alabama, Kansas, Florida, Indiana, Montana, Oklahoma, and Utah have public schools documenting coronavirus vaccination or vaccination status. A law was enacted this year to limit demands.

Former Secretary of Health and Welfare Kathleen Sebelius said on Tuesday that such a law could hurt 48 million Americans in the United States under the age of 12. Currently, the Covid-19 vaccine is only available to people over the age of 12 in the United States.Vaccine test Ongoing for children from 6 months to 11 years..

“If we start with children’s lenses and want them to go back to school, that’s what we all have as a priority, and we’re stepping up with employers, schools and colleges. You have to be more serious about what you say. If you don’t want to be vaccinated, but otherwise you won’t actually have access to places where you can reach people who aren’t vaccinated. ” Said Severius.

CDC announced it last week Prioritize face-to-face learning, Even if not all Covid-19 safety measures are in place. Schools from kindergarten to high school have a mix of vaccinated and unvaccinated people, so masking, physical distance, and most importantly, all qualified people (12+) It is necessary to repeat strategies such as vaccination against people).

According to Sebelius, the federal government can support the use of vaccines by facilitating the full approval of available vaccines. The vaccine is currently available in the United States. Emergency use authorization..

“Getting full approval-getting an emergency use authorization and getting full approval-solves any legal issues that private employers may have,” she said. It was.

Studies suggest why delta variants are more contagious

The delta mutant can spread faster than other strains of the new coronavirus because it makes a copy of itself in the human body faster than other strains of the coronavirus.

Under research Post online Last week, Chinese scientists detected in the first positive test about 1,260 times higher delta virus load than previous strains. They compared 62 delta cases with 63 cases from the early 2020 epidemic wave.

In addition, the time it takes for quarantined people to test positive for coronavirus by PCR has been reduced — from about 6 days with previous infections to 4 days with Delta.

“These data emphasize that delta mutants may be more infectious in the early stages of infection,” the researchers write.

According to the British Public Health Service, a laboratory suggesting “increased replication in biological systems that model the human airway, and evidence of optimized furin cleavage, a process that activates viral invasion.” Many analyzes, including studies, have shown that deltas are more contagious in human cells. This variant has also been observed to spread faster in actual epidemiological studies.

According to the World Health Organization, Delta is estimated to spread about 55% faster than the first identified alpha variant in the UK and about twice as fast as variants that do not rise to the level of “interest” or “concern”. I am.

Heath officials say that cases caused by delta mutations in fully vaccinated people are rare, and that the strain most often only causes serious illness and death in unvaccinated people. Stated.

Health officials have also stated that not only the Covid-19 risk of unvaccinated people, but also a significant number of partially vaccinated people, especially those who are late or second vaccinated. We are also concerned about the risks of those who skipped. plans.

The Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine and the Moderna coronavirus vaccine are given twice at 21-day and 28-day intervals, respectively. Studies have shown that these vaccines are much more effective against delta mutants after the completion of a two-dose series. Persons who have been vaccinated once must follow Covid-19 mitigation procedures, such as wearing a mask, until they are fully vaccinated.




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