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DHEC: 238 new virus cases, 4 new deaths in South Carolina


S.C. Colombia — Friday, S.C. The Department of Health and Environment (DHEC) has announced 238 new cases of the new coronavirus COVID-19 and 4 additional deaths.

This brings the total number of people with COVID-19 confirmed in South Carolina to 7,367 and to 320 deaths.

Four deaths occurred in the elderly in the Clarendon (1), Florence (1), and Greenville (2) counties.

The number of new cases by county is as follows.

Aiken (3), Allendale (3), Anderson (3), Barnwell (3), Beaufort (4), Berkeley (1), Charleston (16), Chester (4), Chesterfield (3), Clarendon (5), Darlington (14), Dillon (6), Dorchester (1), Fairfield (2), Florence (30), Greenville (31), Greenwood (2), Holly (9), Lancaster ( 3), Lawrence (2), Lee (12), Lexington (12), Marion (1), Marlborough (1), Oconee (4), Orangeburg (4), Pickens (1), Richland (19), Saluda (1), Spartanburg (9), Sumter (4), Union (2), Williamsburg (15), York (8)

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The DHEC COVID-19 web page is Map of positive cases In addition to the latest recommendations for protection from COVID-19.

Engage and engage communities at risk

The DHEC said it hosted a telebriefing with state African-American publications and called for cooperation in sharing preventive messages with stakeholders. The agency says it relies on trusted community partners to help deliver timely and life-saving illness prevention messages to those at the highest risk of developing serious complications from COVID-19.

Contact tracking

DHEC Contact tracking web page This explains that this activity is a key strategy in the fight against COVID-19. This web page answers frequently asked questions about contact tracking. If you are interested in joining the DHEC contact tracking team, individuals can submit a form to receive additional information.

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Percentage of reported positive rates among COVID-19 cases

With more tests being conducted by South Carolina, authorities are seeing more cases confirmed by the test. On Friday, DHEC released a new graph showing trends in the proportion of COVID-19 cases to the number of tests performed over the last 28 and 14 days, respectively. The calculation is divided by the number of positive tests reported on the day (238 yesterday) by the total number of tests performed on that day by both DHEC laboratories and private laboratories (4,545 yesterday). To get a positive percentage of 100 (5.2% yesterday).

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A high positive rate may indicate that there are not enough tests to determine the extent of the disease in the community, which may focus on the more severely ill. there is.

A low positive rate may indicate that more extensive testing is being done, and the positive rate may more accurately reflect the amount of disease present in the community. There is.

Update recovery rate

Based on available symptom onset data from 5,087 individuals diagnosed positive with COVID-19, DHEC found that 81% of people recovered from illness and 19% remained ill as of May 4. It is estimated that there is. This quote is updated on our website every Tuesday and Friday.

Update demographic data

For today’s web update Update demographic data About positive cases and deaths associated with COVID-19. Monitoring demographic information can help direct information and resources to high-risk populations and identify gaps that require further investigation or focus.

Hospital bed capacity

As of this morning, DHEC has stated that 3,388 inpatient hospital beds are available and 6,622 have been used. This is 66.15%. State-wide hospital bed utilization. Of the 6,674 inpatient beds currently in use, 460 are occupied by patients who are either positive or under investigation for COVID-19.

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Testing in South Carolina

As of May 7, DHEC’s Institute of Public Health has conducted 19,733 tests against COVID-19. Of these tests, 2,616 were positive and 17,117 were negative. A total of 78,290 tests were conducted in the state by both the DHEC Public Health Institute and Private Laboratories.

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Cases by county and zip code

DHEC Interactive map Updated to include the latest confirmed and estimated COVID-19 cases by county and zip code. Estimated cases represent all known cases of COVID-19, which are possible based on the evidence that there may be up to 9 people with a virus that remains unidentified in the community.

How South Carolinas Protect themselves

The DHEC says there is growing evidence that the prevalence of infection in people who are asymptomatic and who do not know they are infectious is high. This can expose everyone to the virus or unknowingly infect someone with it.

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South Carolinas are encouraged to stay home and minimize contact with non-family members to prevent the spread of the disease.

Other steps that the public should take are:

  • Social distance practice
  • Wearing a mask while out in public
  • Avoid touching frequently touched items
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Symptom monitoring

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If you are concerned about your health, you should contact your healthcare provider or use telehealth services provided by some healthcare systems. For the latest information on telemedicine options and DHEC’s COVID-19 compliance efforts, please visit:

Visit S.C. Department of Mental Health Resources for stress, anxiety and mental health.

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