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Foodstuffs, food concerns as northern Saskatchewan deals with coronavirus outbreaks


Questions about access to food and supplies emerge as health authorities and community leaders try to contain the outbreak of novels. Coronavirus Located in the far north of Saskatchewan.

Spikes can be seen in and around the remote village of Dane, La Loche, 600 km northwest of Saskatoon.

Leonard Montgrand, Regional Representative Metisnation-SaskatchewanSays they are scared because they live in a community and their infrastructure is not set up to respond to the crisis.

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One of the village’s two grocery stores COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing.

The company that owns the store said in a statement that it will try to reopen as soon as possible.

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Perry Belgard, chair of the National Assembly of Indigenous Peoples, has expressed concern that people in the region are said to be left with no access to food.

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Some state doctors and medical students have launched a GoFundMe campaign to help bring cleaning supplies and fresh food to La Roche. It had raised over $ 10,000 by Friday afternoon.

As of Friday, 12 of the 13 new cases of COVID-19 reported by the state occurred in the La Roche region. An additional 12 were reported on Thursday.

Of the total 544 cases in Saskatchewan, 179 are in the far north. Two Laroche elders have died.

“Many people are upset in the community,” Mongrand said.

“We’re losing control because we don’t have the infrastructure yet. We need to set up that infrastructure. We need to get things done.”

Opposition NDP leader Ryan MeiliHe recently helped deliver some supplies to Laroche residents, but said it was inappropriate for people in the area to need to worry about food and supplies.

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He said Saskatchewan party The government should have prepared for the risks the virus poses to the area.

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“This is the epicenter of the epidemic here right now,” Meili said.

“You may be a bit frustrated in my voice, but to the extent that the government is lagging in addressing the risks to the north and is now lagging behind in responding to the real outbreak. Is really really upset. “

The Saskatchewan Department of Public Safety said it plans to send more than 300 cleaning kits to La Roche. They were expected to arrive on Friday. It also said authorities have daily meetings with local leaders to address the response.

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Goodbye Long: These COVID-19 victims’ families chose to wait more than a few months for the funeral

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© 2020 The Canadian Press


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