Cold region virus RSV that increases rapidly in summer
At this time of the year, playground injuries and some fractures usually keep doctors busy in Lully Children’s Hospital.
But the pace is rising for another reason.
“There were about 20 cases of RSV this week,” said Dr. Larry Kosiorek, an infectious disease specialist at Lully Children’s Hospital. “Only a few of these children need a hospital. This is very typical, but the number is expected to grow further.”
Why does respiratory syncytial virus arrive so early, usually not expected until the second half of the year?
“Usually these viruses are present in winter, their babies gain immunity, it disappears, and we will not see it again until next fall. But stay-at-home order, frequent masking The closure of the school has reduced all infectious diseases in children, “said Dr. Kosiolek. “Currently, RSV is essentially catching up with the off-season.”
Kociolek says he has never seen anything like that. This is the same scenario at Advocate Children’s Hospital, where RSV numbers are skyrocketing across suburban systems.
“Usually, the number during this period is close to zero, more than it was in 2021,” said Dr. Shannon Starley, Ph.D. in Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Advocate Children’s Hospital. “RSV is as widespread as COVID, but due to its low contagiousness, much of its masking and social distance was part of the reason it was less common earlier this year.”
Infants and children under the age of 2 are most commonly affected by RSV. What looks like a common cold at first can get worse — symptoms range from coughing, runny nose, stuffy nose to severe breathing problems – a sign that your baby’s small airways are filled with mucus.
“RSV allows you to put mucus in the airways,” said Dr. Kosiolek. “If these airways are very small, such as in infants under the age of two, they can cause wheezing, dyspnea, and sometimes respiratory failure that requires admission to the intensive care unit.
“Breathing too fast can be very difficult for a child to eat and drink.”
In such cases, contact your doctor or go to the emergency department immediately. Mild symptoms should peak by day 4.
“I’m sure the child doesn’t need a hospital if the symptoms last for 4-5 days and the child is relatively healthy. On the first or second day, especially if the baby is really young, the child It gets worse and is very likely to escalate in the next few days, “says Dr. Kociolek.
There may be a positive side to the surge in the second half.
“Some of these babies have larger lungs and larger airways if exposed in the three to four months of winter,” said Dr. Kociolek. “They may now be showing milder RSV symptoms than in winter.”
“If many children happen to be exposed and immunize against RSV, the winter season can be mild, but there’s still a lot to learn. Either way, it’s not surprising, during COVID. Predictions can be complicated, “added Dr. Kosiolek.
Researchers are working on RSV vaccines, which may help lead the MRNA technology used in COVID vaccines. In Philadelphia and New York, RSV surged in March. Uptrend in Chicago last month.
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