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Increased outbreaks of norovirus in the United Kingdom

Increased outbreaks of norovirus in the United Kingdom


Regular monitoring is showing The number of norovirus outbreaks has increased in recent weeks (5 weeks from the end of May to July), especially in the first year of the educational environment, with cases reaching pre-pandemic levels in all age groups and the UK environment. Being back.

Norovirus is highly infectious and causes vomiting and diarrhea, but it usually infects within a few days. It is easily transmitted by contact with an infected person or a contaminated surface. Increasing outbreaks occur primarily in educational settings, especially in nurseries and day care facilities, with far more incidents reported to the UK Public Health Services (PHE) than expected in the summer months. In the last five weeks, 154 outbreaks have been reported, compared to an average of 53 outbreaks reported during the same period over the last five years.

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The total number of norovirus reports confirmed in laboratories across all age groups has also recently increased to the levels seen years before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Professor Saheer Gharbia, Deputy Director of PHE’s National Infection Service, said:

Norovirus, commonly known as the winter vomiting bug, is at lower than normal levels throughout the pandemic, reducing its chances of spreading among people in the community, but with relaxed restrictions in all age groups. The number of cases is increasing.

Symptoms include sudden nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, but also high temperature, abdominal pain, and pain in the limbs. If you have norovirus symptoms, stay at home and do not return to work or send your child to school or nursery school until 48 hours after the symptoms have subsided. Like COVID-19, hand washing is very important to prevent the spread of this bug, but unlike COVID-19, alcohol gel does not kill norovirus, so soap and water are best.

PHE has given the following advice to reduce the spread of norovirus:

  1. If you have norovirus symptoms, stay home. Do not return to work or send your child to school until 48 hours after the symptoms have subsided. Also, avoid visiting the elderly or poor relatives, especially if you are in the hospital.
  2. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and warm water. Alcohol hand gel does not kill norovirus.
  3. When an infected person vomits, water droplets contaminate the surrounding surface. Commonly used bleach-based household cleaners or combinations of bleach and hot water on potentially contaminated household surfaces, toilets, faucets, telephones, door handles, kitchen surfaces, etc. It is necessary to disinfect the object to be used.
  4. If you are ill, avoid helping with cooking or preparing other people’s meals until 48 hours after the symptoms have subsided. When symptomatic or infected people handle food, norovirus can spread to foods contaminated with the virus.
  5. Contaminated clothing and bedding should be washed with detergent at 60 ° C and, if possible, disposable gloves should be worn to dispose of contaminants.

According to PHE, norovirus activity is currently on the rise and may show anomalous and out-of-season increases in the coming months. Following further relaxation of COVID-19 control measures. PHE’s national norovirus monitoring team will continue to closely monitor all available monitoring data to enable early detection of abnormal norovirus activity and outbreaks.

People with symptoms are advised to avoid visiting their GP, but if they are concerned about contacting NHS 111 or calling their GP.

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