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Norovirus outbreaks are increasing across the UK as Covid’s restrictions are lifted


Norovirus in the case of England “Unexpected”[ly]High during the year, health officials warned.

Because the UK is planning to enter the fourth final stage Resume On Monday, July 19, the UK Public Health Service (PHE) warns people to take steps to catch and prevent so-called winter vomiting bugs from passing through.

According to PHE, 154 norovirus outbreaks have been reported in the last five weeks, with an average of 53 over the last five years.

According to PHE, outbreaks of highly infectious but usually short-lived viruses that cause vomiting and diarrhea have been reported primarily in early education.

Experts warn that the case has returned to pre-pandemic levels, just as Britain is set to reopen and could threaten the already “tensioned” health system.

Scientists coined this term “Immune debt” To explain what happens when people who are not exposed to normal levels of viruses and bacteria experience a surge in infection as normal life resumes.

Dr. Nick Scriven, a former president of the Society of Emergency Medicine, said:

“This is exacerbated by warnings that cases of norovirus, commonly known as winter vomiting bugs, reached pre-pandemic levels in the summer today.

“Given the implications of entering the hospital, I’m frankly very worried about bed closures, infections of people who are seriously ill, and the absence of staff.

“Currently, clinicians across the country are asking themselves exactly what the government is thinking in light of the fact that medical care is devastated.”

According to PHE, norovirus is easily transmitted by contact with infected individuals and contaminated surfaces.

Professor Saheer Gharbia, Deputy Director of the National Infection Service at PHE, said the number of cases of the virus increased as restrictions were relaxed and opportunities to spread among the community.

He states: “Symptoms include sudden nausea, vomiting of projectiles, and diarrhea, but also high temperatures, abdominal pain, and pain in the limbs.

“If you have norovirus symptoms, stay at home and do not return to work or send your child to school or nursery school until 48 hours after the symptoms have subsided.

“Like Covid-19, hand washing is very important to prevent the spread of this bug, but unlike Covid-19, alcohol gel does not kill norovirus, so soap and water are best.”

Other advice from PHE is to use a “bleach-based household cleaner or a combination of bleach and hot water” to remove potentially contaminated household surfaces and commonly used objects. Includes disinfection. Wash contaminated clothing and bedding with detergent at 60 ° C, preferably with disposable gloves, and infected individuals prepare food and other people’s meals for up to 48 hours after symptoms have subsided. Please avoid.




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