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France in the UK is curbing annoyed travelers.Health chief test positive


This move occurs in France, despite the fact that the highly contagious delta mutants now have a lower incidence of the virus than the United Kingdom, which is causing the epidemic. On Saturday, UK Health Minister Sajid Javid, who is responsible for the coronavirus response, said he was positive for COVID-19 testing and was self-quarantining while waiting for the results of the second test.

Javid said in a video message that he was receiving both injections of the vaccine and “so far, my symptoms are very mild.”

Javid took over from Matt Hancock, who resigned last month after violating the rules of social distance. Hancock was infected with COVID-19 early in last year’s pandemic, and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson spent several days in intensive care of the virus in April 2020.

Coronavirus cases have increased in the UK for several weeks, with more than 54,000 new infections confirmed on Saturday. This is the highest total number per day since January. Hospitalizations and deaths are also increasing, but vaccination remains much lower than previous peaks of infection.

Despite the surge, the government advises people to remain cautious, but the remaining restrictions are set to be lifted in the UK on Monday. Face masks will continue to be required for London buses, subways and other modes of transportation.

The British government announced late Friday that people arriving from France would have to be quarantined for 10 days before entering the UK, even if they were fully vaccinated. The announcement states that vaccinated UK residents will not face quarantine since Monday, arriving from dozens of countries classified as “amber” or moderate in the UK’s coronavirus risk signal system. It took place a few days after the announcement. The amber list includes most of the United States, Canada, and Europe.

Epidemiologist John Edmunds, a member of the UK Government’s Scientific Advisory Group, said there is ample evidence that beta “can more efficiently circumvent the immune response generated by the AstraZeneca vaccine.”

AstraZeneca shots are used for most of the UK vaccinations.

Prior to the pandemic, more than 17 million British people visited France each year. Gemma Antrobus of the Independent Tour Operators Association said Friday’s announcement surprised the travel industry.

“In fact, the travel industry is as shocked as today’s consumers. In fact, we need to pick up parts and deal with them to help our clients in this pretty terrible situation,” she said. Told to.

“I was dissatisfied with the inconsistent approach the government was taking,” said Georgina Thomas, a British nurse who visited her parents in western France. Not everything looks logical. “

“I’m sure the risk will be higher when I return to the UK, as if quarantine is needed,” she said.

France also has stricter border rules. Unvaccinated people arriving from the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Greece, or Cyprus from Sunday must test negative within 24 hours.

The UK government states that nearly 90% of adults in the UK are vaccinated once and more than two-thirds are both vaccinated, making it possible to ease social restrictions. According to health officials, not all vaccines used in the UK (AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna) prevent all infections, but they are powerful against serious illness and death after two doses. Provides protection.

Vaccination momentum has slowed in recent weeks as eligibility has expanded to newer age groups in descending order. This is a sign that some young people feel less urgent about getting vaccinated. Pop-up vaccination clinics were held over weekends at places such as London’s Tate Modern Art Gallery, city parks, and clothing chain Primarks, encouraging young people to take shots.

Former British Health Minister Jeremy Hunt, a conservative lawmaker, said the number of hospitalizations was increasing and the warning lights for pressure on medical services were “blinking red.”

“In September, infectious diseases will almost certainly reach a new daily peak above the previous daily record of 68,000 days in January,” he told the BBC. “If school comes back and they are still up, I think we have to rethink some very difficult decisions.”


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