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How to choose the right Japanese sunscreen for you


It’s time to face the facts: we’re in the middle Japan’s hottest season.. The Japan Meteorological Agency predicts that the average daily temperature in the Kanto region from July to September will be as high as last year (26 degrees Celsius).

Whenever you go out, it’s important to protect yourself from the sun. Of all the tools we have at our disposal, air conditioners, electric fans, straw hats, konbini Ice Cream — A sunscreen is a must to protect against UV rays. However, there are various prescriptions and brands in Japan, and it can be difficult to know which one to use. Our detailed guide will help you find the best option to keep your skin safe.

I know your label

When considering your options, the most important thing to consider when choosing a sunscreen is the level of protection it provides. In Japanese sunscreen bottles, this is usually indicated by SPF and PA. SPF stands for “Sunscreen Factor” and protects the skin from damage caused by UV rays. The number of SPFs indicates how long it takes for the sun to turn red on the skin compared to without sunscreen (when the product is used as instructed). So, for example, if you use sunscreen correctly with SPF 30, it will take 30 times longer to burn your skin than if you didn’t use anything. However, even if you are using a sunscreen with a high SPF, you will still need to reapply it every few hours.

PA, on the other hand, refers to the “protective grade” of UVA rays. UVB burns the skin, but UVA penetrates deep into the skin and poses a risk of skin aging and skin cancer. PA ratings range from minimum + to maximum ++++. The more + marks, the higher the protection.

Also, sunscreen depends on the type of gel, milk, cream, etc. The gel type and milk type are fluid and generally easy to spread, while the cream type is relatively thick.

General purpose sunscreen

Jellyfish Guard sunscreen helps protect you from both the sun and puncture wounds on jellyfish. | ABS Co., Ltd.
Jellyfish Guard sunscreen helps protect you from both the sun and puncture wounds on jellyfish. | ABS Co., Ltd.

According to Amazon Japan’s sales ranking, Kao’s Biore UV Aqua Rich Water Lee Gel (From around 798 yen on Amazon, 50g) will be ranked first. A lightweight, water-based moisturizing sunscreen that is easily absorbed by the skin, which is suitable for both face and body, and does not require much for complete coverage. Nivea UV Water Gel (From 727 yen for 140g on Amazon) It is also a favorite of fans from Kao. With a single push of the nozzle, you can easily include it in your busy morning routine.

Another recommendation is the cream type Ali Sunny Apricot (From about 1,980 yen at Rakuten, 60g) From Kanebo Cosmetics. This facial sunscreen has a skin tone correction effect that tightens and keeps the skin vibrant.

Sports sunscreen

If you plan to play sports or spend this summer on the beach Anessa Perfect UV Skin Care Milk Shiseido’s (3,300 yen, 60g) protects the skin from the sun (if not from sharks). The seemingly plain milky liquid has the unique characteristic of being exposed to heat, water and sweat for increased protection from UV rays. It has been on the market since 1992 and is one of the most famous products in the skin care market and has withstood the challenges of time.

The new option is Jerry’s Guard (2,640 yen, 50g). As the product name suggests, this waterproof, leaf-safe sunscreen has historically swarmed beaches since mid-August. End of swimming season.. It was jointly developed by a high school student in Ehime Prefecture with ABS Co., Ltd. and has been on sale since 2019.

Sunscreen for children and sensitive skin

For those who prefer non-toxic products, FANCL is a reliable brand. Since 1981, FANCL has been selling products that are free of artificial colors, fragrances and preservatives.That Sunguard for sensitive skin (¥ 1,980, 30g) Designed for people with dry skin. The milky cream provides high hydration to both face and body and can be safely applied to 6 month old babies.

ISEHAN also offers stress-free sunscreen Kiss me mom! UV mild gel (990 yen, 100g), available for children over 1 year old. It is a unique botanical base and contains extracts from acerola, aloe and raspberries. These can be easily washed off after playing with soap alone for a day.

GLE's coral reef-friendly earth and coral-friendly UV balm | © ︎2016 GLELLC.
GLE’s coral reef-friendly earth and coral-friendly UV balm | © ︎2016 GLELLC.

Sustainable sunscreen

Sunscreen is an essential item for outdoor and swimming (swimming, etc.), but the toxic chemicals in some sunscreens threaten marine life. In 2020, Palau became the first country to ban sunscreens containing one (or more) of the 10 harmful ingredients, such as oxybenzone and octinoxate. Hawaii followed, with state law coming into force this year. On the other hand, Japan hasn’t moved yet, but some cosmetics companies are doing their own thing.

GLE UV balm that is kind to the earth and coral (¥ 2,728, 40g) is a mineral sunscreen containing zinc oxide that is insoluble in seawater. Other ingredients are derived from plants such as sesame, coconut and lavender flower oil and are 100% organic. In addition, in 2018, we were nominated for the Jury Award of the Biodiversity Action Award Japan, which recognizes sustainable products, projects and organizations in the country.

Niche options

Many pharmacies mainly introduce a range of liquid-based sunscreens, but you can also find everything from sunscreen sprays to wet wipes. Outdoor UV white Not only is it pocket-sized and easy to carry (¥ 2,970, 10g), but the scent of peppermint and eucalyptus protects you from another common summer enemy, the mosquitoes.

If you need to reapply sunscreen after sweating, try MUJI wet wipes Sunscreen wipe (290 yen, 12 sheets) or sprayable Aisunon Hin’yari UV Guard (¥ 1,280, 60g), sheds sweat while blocking UV rays (however, for complete coverage, spread it over your skin by hand). Also, don’t forget to protect your hair and lips from strong sunlight.try it Mieufa (¥ 1,200, 80g) 5 kinds of scented hair sunscreen from Napra and for DHC UV Moisture Lip Balm (880 yen, 1.5g).

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