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As the delta variant spreads, Texas’ coronavirus test positive rate exceeded 10% for the first time since February.

As the delta variant spreads, Texas’ coronavirus test positive rate exceeded 10% for the first time since February.


Texas Tribune uses daily data from Texas Health Department To track coronavirus vaccination, cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. State data comes from vaccine providers, city and county health departments, hospitals, and laboratories. Limited tests do not cover all cases of this disease.

How many Texas people have been vaccinated?

As of July 16, 14.3 million people have been vaccinated at least once, which is 49.3% of Texas’ population and 12.4 million (42.6%) are fully vaccinated. A total of 25.6 million doses were administered. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines need to be given twice, and the Johnson & Johnson vaccines need to be given once.

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Texas received the first shipment of the COVID-19 vaccine on December 14th. The vaccine is available to anyone over the age of 12 in Texas, regardless of occupation or health.

Health experts estimate 75% To 90% Texas people need to be vaccinated to reach Herd immunity.. That’s about 22 million people, or almost 100% of the state’s adults. Even considering people with some immunity from previous cases of COVID-19, the state is still far from reaching that threshold. CDC is recommended Previously infected people are vaccinated because scientists do not know how long their immunity will last.

State vaccination efforts face geographical, demographic, and data challenges, many of which Unique to TexasThis includes above-average numbers of people who are too young to be vaccinated and stagnant data collection systems that can take days to publicly report the dose administered.

One-third of Texas’s population lives in rural areas where access to medical care is difficult. State health officials initially deployed a vaccine hub to help manage injections.But in May the state Transferred responsibility An increasing number of doctors, pharmacies, health centers and other small healthcare providers are building closer relationships with their communities.

Who is vaccinated?

The first groups to be vaccinated were long-term care facility residents and staff, the Texans aged 65 and over, front-line healthcare professionals, and people aged 16 and over in good health. The virus primarily kills people over the age of 60 and urges the urgency to vaccinate older Texans.

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According to, vaccine distribution is unequal Texas Tribune Analysis.. Of those who have been vaccinated at least once, the proportion of white beneficiaries is roughly in line with the proportion of the state’s population, while Hispanic and black residents are vaccinated at a lower rate. ..

Proponents say that Language barrier Lack of access to health care providers and transportation contributes to these disparities.Low-income earners Face challenges We are trying to book vaccines through a process that favors people with easy access to the internet and transportation.

Texas’ Hispanic and black populations are younger than the state’s white population, which also widens the gap. About 20% of the Hispanic population is under the age of 12, and no vaccine is approved for children under the age of 12. The majority of Texas people over the age of 80 are Caucasian.

Where are most of the COVID-19 cases in Texas?

As of July 17, the state has reported approximately 2.6 million confirmed cases in 254 counties and an estimated 452,706 cases in 229 counties since the pandemic began. Confirmed cases are detected by molecular tests such as PCR tests performed on nasal swabs and are very accurate according to the US Food and Drug Administration. Possible cases are detected by a rapid-resulting antigen test. Low accuracy..

These totals may differ from those reported by the county and city health departments. Tribune measures both the number of cases in each county over the past two weeks and the case rate per 1,000 inhabitants.

How many people are in the hospital?

On July 16, Texas had at least 2,834 inpatients with confirmed coronavirus infection. This data does not consider people who are hospitalized but have not been tested positive.

On July 16, the state reported 10,049 manned hospital beds available, including 743 manned ICU beds available throughout the state. COVID-19 patients currently account for 4.3% of all beds.

How many people have died?

The· First death It occurred in Matagorda County on March 15, 2020, in connection with the Texas coronavirus. As of July 17, 51,640 people who tested positive for the virus had died in Texas. DSHS counts deaths based on a death certificate listing COVID-19 as the cause of death. This does not include the deaths of people with COVID-19 who died from other causes.

[ This timeline tracks COVID-19’s rampage through Texas over the virus’ first year ]

Some areas with the highest mortality rates are primarily Hispanic.The virus is more deadly Hidalgo County and Cameron County In the Lower Rio Grande Valley, mortality is comparable to more populous areas of the state, such as Dallas and San Antonio. Thousands of people have died of COVID-19 in El Paso County since the beginning of the pandemic, infecting the area. Far ahead Percentage of other major metropolitan counties to deaths per 1,000 inhabitants.

How many new cases are reported daily?

The state reports daily the number of newly identified and estimated cases of coronavirus in Texas. This does not include untreated cases. The number of new cases reported will decrease on weekends when the lab is unlikely to report new data to the state. At least one county, Bexar, the fourth largest county in the state, reports data only once a week.

New variant Of the coronavirus that seems to spread more easily Found in Texas,However Preliminary survey It suggests that vaccination is still effective against mutants.

The state has very limited demographic data for people infected with COVID-19, making it difficult to measure its effect on Texas color.

There are 452,706 potentially known cases in 229 counties, including 880 newly reported on July 17. The state began reporting cases that could be detected by antigen testing in November. A total of 25 counties, including Harris, Travis, and El Paso, have not reported possible cases to the state, although the state may be tested for antigens.

How many coronavirus tests are returning positive?

Positive rates measure how widespread the virus is in Texas. Rates above 10% are “states”Red zone, “According to federal guidance. At the two largest outbreaks in Texas, the incidence was over 20%, with a positive test every five times.

This rate is calculated by dividing the average number of confirmed cases by the average number of molecular tests performed in the last 7 days. This shows how the situation has changed over time by not emphasizing day-to-day fluctuations.

DSHS reports a second positive rate based solely on rapid-result antigen testing to detect possible cases. As of July 16, it was 6.6% of the 5.1 million tests.

How many tests have been done?

As of July 16, Texas has been testing 32.7 million coronaviruses since March 2020. We don’t know how many Texas people have been tested because some people are tested multiple times. State aggregates do not include pending tests.

What else should I know about this data?

These numbers are from the Texas Department of Health and are usually updated. Number of cases throughout the state By 4 pm daily.

To publish data quickly, states should bypass the usual one-month process of reviewing infectious disease data and performing quality checks before publishing.So all these numbers and information Temporary And Scheduled change..

State data includes federal case studies Immigration Center, Federal bureau From mid-May State prison.. It does not include cases or vaccinations reported at military bases.

Texas Population Estimates are from the Census Bureau’s 2019 American Community Survey. State county population estimates are from a five-year survey in 2019 and cover smaller counties. State populations by race, ethnicity, and age group are from the Census Bureau’s 2019 Vintage Population Estimates.

The video above is from the previous story.

Texas Tribune Is a non-profit, non-partisan media organization that informs and engages with the Texans on public policy, politics, government, and state-wide issues.





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