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The most dangerous and confusing allegations in the “American Frontline Doctors” motion for COVID vaccination

The most dangerous and confusing allegations in the “American Frontline Doctors” motion for COVID vaccination


fringe, Protrump Medical Group Probably the best known The truth of the infamous coronavirus that stuck to the suspicion of the medical danger of evil spirit sperm Filed a petition requesting suspension of COVID-19 vaccination In the United States on Monday.

As expected, in other barbaric allegations of ridiculous documents, a motion for an injunction filed by “America’s Frontline Doctors” is actually fatal to three vaccines licensed for emergency use in the United States. It falsely claims that it does not suppress the spread of various viruses. Also, the coronavirus is not a public health emergency. It’s a highly contagious delta variant that is almost exclusively damaging to unvaccinated people, killing more than 600,000 Americans, showing signs of a nationwide resurgence recently. It’s the same pandemic.

But that’s not the only madness. Although legally hopeless, such a move targeting the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services could have realistic and detrimental consequences as the Biden administration fights disinformation about vaccines nationwide. There is a concern that there is.

Dr. Peter Hotez, a pediatrician and virologist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, believes that the distorted allegations made in Monday’s motion are far more dangerous than just “vaccine controversy propaganda stunts.” last week, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Daily new cases increased by almost 70% nationwide, and fatal virus-related mortality increased by 26%. The overwhelming majority of cases, hospitalizations and deaths are unvaccinated.

“This will scare people and prevent them from being vaccinated,” Hotez told The Daily Beast. “This move directly contributes to false information about vaccines. It’s dangerous.”

This rhetoric is not surprising to a group infected with the virus last July by once gaining an audience with former Vice President Mike Pence and promoting hydroxychloroquine as an appropriate treatment for COVID-19.The group was founded by Dr. Simon GoldIs currently being charged with participating in the capital riots and was once emphasized Dr. Stella ImmanuelA woman who believes that medical illness is caused by dream sex with the devil and that alien DNA can be used in actual treatment.

As previously reported by The Daily BeastThe group has organized a meeting with several conservative influencers at least in December and has been targeting the COVID-19 vaccine since protesting in front of the Atlanta CDC. The group and its lawyers did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

To combat false information, The Daily Beast columnist Hotez is the strangest in the “American Frontline Doctors” movement, which aims to “create a show trial to promote vaccination.” And helped break some of the (wrong) claims.

BOGUS CLAIM 1: Three COVID vaccines do not prevent the spread of COVID-19

In the motion, the group boldly argues that CDC data indicate that the two-dose and single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccines with Moderna and Pfizer are “not effective in treating or preventing” COVID-19. I will. However, Hotez states that the three immunizations “reduce symptomatic disease by up to 95%, reduce asymptomatic disease to less than the 90th percentile, and stop viral shedding.” Simply put, the more people who are vaccinated, the lower the spread, even if the vaccine is not 100% effective in stopping the spread of the deadly virus.

“Once enough people have been vaccinated, we will stop the infection,” he said. “It’s easy.”

Hotez has been working on another vaccine with a colleague at Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development In Houston, the group’s false claim that it was unsafe was also broken down as the vaccine was developed over a 48-hour span. Emphasizing that the current pandemic is “the third largest coronavirus pandemic in the last century,” Hotez said the development of the current vaccine is “never a new concept.”

“Phaiser and Modana vaccines are built on research and development that has been under development for at least the last decade,” says Hotez. “These two vaccines are also the first mRNA vaccines identified in the 1960s, so the notion that these two vaccines were developed in two days is totally wrong.”

BOGUS CLAIM 2: Vaccines are more harmful to minors than the virus itself

In the motion, the group erroneously claims that minors under the age of 18 have “statistically zero chance of death” due to COVID-19, but the vaccine causes them to have heart inflammation or May make you more susceptible to myocarditis.The· The CDC actually reported about 300 cases As for the number of heart problems in young people last month, the number of vaccinated people out of 20 million, showing that it is statistically “very rare”.

“The frequency of myocarditis in adolescents is about 1 in 70,000. That’s statistically not a concern,” he said, saying that there are more cases of adolescents with myocarditis from COVID-19 itself than vaccines. I added. “The risk of getting myocarditis from COVID-19 is much higher than the risk of getting myocarditis from the vaccine.”

BOGUS CLAIM 3: Americans were brainwashed by pandemic horror and unfairly agreed to the vaccine

In one of the most exaggerated claims in the 67-page memo, the group hopes that a national blockade last year to curb the spread of the deadly coronavirus will give Americans a life-saving jab. It suggests that you have operated. It is a move that they claim to resemble “authoritarian and totalitarian conditions.”

In an attempt to prove its point with charts that appear to be taken directly from the Canadian Internet, the group also argues that the guidelines enforced last year are similar to the brainwashing methods used by Communists in the 1950s. ing. One of the chart’s claims is that the government sought to develop “full surveillance with nanochips and 5G.” This is a false conspiracy about the coronavirus, which is popular on the far-right fringe and has been repeatedly uncovered by scientists.

“Americans were brainwashed by anti-vaccine attacks and were brainwashed not to accept the COVID vaccine,” Hotez said on Tuesday. “They are brainwashing with anti-science, anti-vaccine aggression. Disinformation is causing more harm.”

BOGUS CLAIM 4: Forcing previously infected people to vaccinate will make them sick

In the motion, the group expressed serious concern to individuals who had previously been vaccinated after a positive test for COVID-19, saying, “This population has reported serious medical harm, including death. I have. ” However, Hotez pointed out that there was no data to support that claim. He justifies their claim with appropriate data, using the phenomenon that the group strengthens vaccine-driven illness, or that components of the immune system that need to be protected from COVID-19 make individuals more ill. I explained that I was trying to make it.

doctor He pointed out the November 2020 “Science Translational Medicine” review. It concludes that the data no longer support concerns about this reinforcement theory “more than appropriate for the development of viral vaccines.”

“There was no high mortality rate for vaccinated people. There was no evidence to link it to that vaccine,” he said, although the concept was a concern at the beginning of vaccine development, but in December. He said there had been no substantive problems since the vaccine was deployed.

“There is no evidence that people infected with COVID-19 are at medical risk after vaccination. Their antibody response can handle it.”

Lawrence Gostin, a global health expert at Georgetown University, said the allegations filed, aside from alleged medical claims, could cause a “legal flood to our vaccination system.” But said it would not stop the widely successful vaccination process in the United States. state. But like Hotez, he was worried about the real-world impact of such legal quests.

“This kind of [injunction] It is a stain in the United States.Even launching [motion]Whatever happens, they will lose it, but they just emphasize to Trump supporters that this vaccine should not be trusted, “he said. “It causes thousands of preventable deaths, which are completely irresponsible.”





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