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Increased viral cases in Ohio despite 60% vaccination rate

Increased viral cases in Ohio despite 60% vaccination rate


Columbus, Ohio — Ohio reported the largest daily increase in COVID-19 cases in the eight weeks of Tuesday as the more contagious delta variants spread.

What you need to know

  • Infectious diseases and hospitalizations continue to increase in Ohio
  • Authorities warn that low vaccination rates are a risk factor
  • More contagious delta mutants are widespread

The state added 744 cases, but the average 7-day infection increased to 491 cases, an increase of 133% within 2 weeks.

Despite Ohio’s vaccination rate of over 60% of the adult population, a sudden reversal of trends occurs following a decline in cases over several months.

“The number of hospitalizations for COVID-19-positive patients is certainly on the rise. We are concerned not only with the number of individuals hospitalized, but with the surge in cases over the last 10 days,” said Sarah Hackenbracht. Stated. President of the Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association, which represents 29 hospitals and health organizations.

According to Hackenbracht, COVID-19 hospitalizations at member hospitals surged during that period, increasing from eight to 37. It is not yet known if the delta type is locally prevalent, she said.

“Continuing to see the rapid increase continues, with great concern not only to healthcare professionals who are absolutely dependent on providing care for COVID-19 patients, but to everyone else who comes to us. It causes anxiety. Community hospitals, “she said.

The 2.9% positive rate in Montgomery County is higher than Hamilton (1.9%), Franklin (1.5%), Summit (1.5%), and Kaiyahoga (0.9%), and is the highest among the largest counties in the state.

In Lawrence County, infections are occurring at a pace that surprises authorities, with positive rates rising to over 20%. Lawrence’s per capita number of cases is five times the state-wide average.

Lawrence County Health Department said: Facebook post Vaccinated people in the county are believed to be safe, but authorities emphasized that unvaccinated people should follow precautionary measures, including masking. According to the post, 44 people were hospitalized in Lawrence in the first two weeks of July.

Hotspots adjacent to counties in northwestern Ohio have also emerged, as Paulding, Williams, Defiance, and Vanwart report some of the highest case rates in the state.

Williams County Health Commissioner Jim Watkins said he was concerned that the trend could continue to worsen as the county’s vaccinations accounted for only 37% and weakened immunity.

“Now I think we are generally concerned,” he said. “We’ve seen an increasing number of cases of COVID from where we were. We were doing much better than we are today.”

While some U.S. counties recommend or require indoor universal masking due to increased infections, Watkins expects Ohio to remain open as the delta variant spreads. Said. He said the health sector is focusing on sending the message that vaccination is even more important because varieties increase infection.

Watkins said the legislature has more power to keep Ohio open later, even if the DeWine administration decides to re-impose COVID-19 measures. Senate Bill 22 It came into effect last month.

“I don’t expect much from the state at this point when the bill is passed. I think the state government’s hands are pretty tied up in that regard,” Watkins said. “Sure, there’s no such thing as we’ve done before, so I think it’s just a precursor to the spread of the virus.”

As of Tuesday’s update, the state-wide average positive test rate has doubled to 2.6%.

Hospitalization with COVID-19 increased to 348 in Ohio on Tuesday, an increase of 74% from a minimum of 200 on July 9.

However, deaths continue to decline, dropping to a new low with 38 reported this week.

Health officials believe that universal masking does not need to be pushed indoors at this time, as most people in local hospitals are not vaccinated in the Dayton area, Hackenbracht said.

In terms of physical fitness and resources, the current patient level does not burden the hospital, but she said that so far in the pandemic, the hospital sincerely hopes that there will be no other wave.

“Our concern is that this is a pandemic that our front-line healthcare professionals are currently engaged in for over 18 months,” she said. “We need to do what we can to help them throughout the region.”

Pete Grieve is a report for US Corps members covering public health at Spectrum News in Columbus, Ohio. Report for America is a non-profit national service program that places journalists in the local newsroom to report on unreported issues.





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