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Decreased cognitive function may help predict future fracture risk in women-ScienceDaily

Decreased cognitive function may help predict future fracture risk in women-ScienceDaily


Researchers led by the Garvan Institute of Medical Research found an association between cognitive decline and increased bone loss, and found that five years of cognitive decline increased women’s risk of future fractures. .. The association between cognitive decline and bone loss was weak in men.

A study of individuals over the age of 65, conducted over 16 years, revealed potential new approaches to help identify older people at risk of fractures.

“Bone loss and cognitive decline are major public health problems, but both are” silent illnesses “and often go undetected and untreated for long periods of time until the condition progresses severely. “There is,” said Professor Jacqueline Center, who is responsible for clinical research and epidemiology.Garvan’s lab, endocrinologist at St. Vincent Hospital, and Journal of Bone and Mineral Research..

“Our study revealed a link between the two in women, which monitors cognition along with bone health, as a decline in one can mean a decline in the other. These findings suggest that there is a need. Bone health is monitored in the elderly so that cognition and appropriate treatment can be more effective. “

New insights into major public health issues

Worldwide, 200 million people have osteoporosis and more than 35 million have dementia. This number is expected to double over the next 20 years due to the global increase in life expectancy.

“Both cognitive decline and bone loss result in increased disability, loss of independence, and increased risk of death. There is some evidence that older people with dementia are at increased risk of hip fracture. However, it has not been studied that deterioration of both bone and cognitive health is linked over time, “said Dr. Dana Brück of the Garvan Institute, the first author of this paper. I am.

“We set out to understand long-term relevance. Our study is the first to investigate both cognitive and bone health data for over 15 years.”

The team used data from the Canadian Multicenter Osteoporosis Study (CaMos), which recorded the skeletal health of people living in the community since 1995. The researchers examined cognitive and bone health measurements in 1741 women and 620 men over the age of 65. There were no symptoms of cognitive decline at the start of the study.

Linking cognition with bone health

“After adjusting for all other variables, a significant association was observed between cognitive decline in women and bone loss. This association was weak and not statistically significant in men. “Dr. Bliuc said.

“Interestingly, we also found that cognitive decline in the first 5 years was associated with a 1.7-fold increase in the risk of future fractures in women over the next 10 years, which is the level of bone loss. It had nothing to do with it, “adds Dr. Bliuc.

“This study could not identify a causal link between cognitive decline leading to bone loss or vice versa, but suggests that cognitive decline should be monitored along with bone health. It shows that we need to be more vigilant on the other side, “says Center Professor.

Researchers say this association affects postmenopausal women and may be mediated by a third factor, such as estrogen deficiency, which is independently associated with both bone loss and cognitive decline. I add that there is. This study also opens the door to additional studies on what the link between these two general conditions is.

“Our study emphasizes that cognitive health provides more information to individuals and their health professionals about the risk of fractures and ultimately improves the health outcomes of older people. It can be an important factor, “said Professor Center.





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