Covid 19 Coronavirus: Two Pregnant Women Dead in Fiji
The ministry reported a record number of 21 deaths from the virus, along with 1091 new cases in the 24 hours until 8 am Wednesday.Photo / Fiji Government
Along RNZ
Two pregnant women are one of Fiji’s recent victims of Covid-19.
Doctors were able to save the newborns of both women, the Ministry of Health announced last night.
The ministry reported a record number of 21 deaths from the virus, along with 1091 new cases in the 24 hours until 8 am Wednesday. Deaths occurred between July 14th and July 20th.
Health Minister Dr. James von said the ministry saw an increasing number of cases in the western district last week while the outbreak was confined to the main island of Viti Levu, primarily in the Lami-Suva-Nausori Corridor.
“Both pregnant women suffered from Covid-19 symptoms at home before appearing in our medical facility with severe dyspnea.
“In both cases, our doctor decided to perform an emergency caesarean section to rescue the newborn and help care for the mother.
“Sadly, despite the doctor’s best efforts, both mothers died. The swift action of the obstetrics team saved both babies.
“Maternal mortality is always a tragedy, and Maternal mortality from Covid-19 underscores the seriousness of this outbreak.”
It was unknown at what stage of pregnancy the mother was pregnant.
The daily number of cases exceeded 1000 on the 6th of the last 7 days. The day before, between July 13th and July 19th, 1054 cases and 12 deaths were reported.
Given the rapidly evolving situation of covid in Fiji, Fong said the health team has re-prioritized 24 hours a day to ensure that “serious Covid-19 and those at highest risk of death are protected.” We are focusing our efforts on doing so. “
“Our older people, people with existing medical conditions, and pregnant women are at greatest risk.
“These changes include changes in testing services, home quarantine guidance, confirmation of providing life-saving care to the most endangered people, and establishment of vaccinations for pregnant women.”
Fiji currently has over 15,000 active cases. It has recorded 146 deaths, 144 of which are due to recent outbreaks that began in April.
Phone to return to normal antenatal care
Australian health experts say Fijian women infected with Covid-19 should return to normal antenatal care as soon as they become infectious.
Regarding a hypothetical debate about Fiji, Professor Michel Giles of Monash University in Melbourne said that, in principle, standard antenatal care for women has Covid-19 and should not be compromised.
And she said this doesn’t have to be done face-to-face.
Giles said pregnant women are less likely to infect others and are advised not to leave hospitals or medical facilities for more than 14 days.
“What we really know is that some people can shed the virus for a longer period of time, which may not be the same as they are infecting others.
“If other infection control measures are in place and 14 days have passed, I don’t think we will require or require a negative test before returning to antenatal care.”
The Fiji Ministry of Health has begun giving pregnant women about 150,000 doses of Moderna vaccine.
More data showed that Moderna was safer for pregnant women and their foets, Giles said. Thousands of pregnant women in the United States have been vaccinated with Moderna, and studies have shown that babies are not seen to be born with preterm birth or abnormalities, and mothers are not likely to experience side effects. ..
“Women need to be vaccinated as soon as possible, but if there are women who are particularly concerned about one vaccine, I think we have accumulated safety data for the Moderna vaccine. This is also very reassuring. “
Dr. Rachel Devi, head of the Fiji Vaccination Task Force, said pregnant women will be given AstraZeneca or Moderna vaccine options starting next Monday.
“We do not vaccinate anyone. If anyone is already receiving the first dose of AstraZeneca during pregnancy, they will receive a second dose of AstraZeneca.
“For those who haven’t been there, Moderna is offered, but of course it’s up to them.”
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