Minnesota COVID: Data show low immunization rates in conservative counties in the state, reflecting national trends – WCCO
Minneapolis (WCCO) — The county in Minnesota, which has the lowest vaccination rate, voted by a large margin over Donald Trump in the 2020 elections. State data from the Ministry of Health and the Secretary of State reflect national trends in party differences regarding COVID-19 inoculation. vaccination.
Recently CBS News Poll Republicans are more likely than Democrats to say they are not vaccinated in 29% compared to 6%. For registered independents, that number is 26%. Investigations also show that conservatives believe that President Biden is “overdoing” with a focus on shooting weapons.
read more: Minnesota COVID: Positive rates up to 2% inches, 340 newly identified cases
According to Minnesota data, counties with low immunization rates have something in common. Minnesota Ministry of Health compared to 2020 election results by county..
For example, in Clearwater County, 43% of the population over the age of 16 is vaccinated, the lowest of all counties, fluctuating by nearly 45 percent for former President Donald Trump. In contrast, Cook County has the highest vaccination rate of 83%, where voters supported President Joe Biden against Trump with a margin of 35%.
The same CBS News poll shows that half of the unvaccinated population cites distrust of the government as the reason for not being fired.
That’s why the Minnesota Department of Health states that it is targeting outreach with trusted community partners.Authorities are concerned Big discrepancy Of vaccination rates between different counties.
During the first few weeks of vaccine deployment, demand surged and there was not enough supply to meet the needs. Currently, supply is outpacing demand, mass vaccination sites are closed, and approaches to smaller opportunities to get vaccinated are shifting, said infectious disease director Chris Elesmann.
“We are looking at ways to continue to provide vaccines that are available locally and close to us. We will continue to work with trusted partners to provide messages,” she said in a recent interview. I did. “I think the point is that we never give up.”
read more: Minnesota COVID: Five more deaths have been reported.Number of cases, increasing hospitalization
MDH hosts “Community Conversations” throughout the state. This is a face-to-face meeting where people can share their concerns about vaccines and get answers from medical professionals. There are also marketing campaigns that feature Minnesota doctors dealing with common misconceptions.
Legislative Democrats on Thursday called on Republican colleagues to actively fight false information about the vaccine. With his first advice It is called a “serious threat to public health.”
“We are speaking not as partisans, but as people who trust the well-being of those who sent us to the Capitol to represent their interests,” said Senator Erin Murphy of DFL-St. Paul of Registered Nurse. “We encourage and encourage colleagues from both sides of the aisle to understand the information and prevent the spread of false information.”
A Republican aide to the legislature dismissed the press conference as an act of “irresponsible” and “political gamemanship.”
Dr. Madeleine Gagneon, Associate Medical Director of Pediatrics for Gillet Children, who appeared with DFL in Parliament on Thursday, said that separating the facts from fiction was accompanied by the spread of the circulating disease delta variant. He said it was more important than ever. 83% of new cases in the United States
She often hears people say she doesn’t need a vaccine because she has been infected with COVID-19 before, but said the new strain can still be harmful.
“The Delta variant affects many people, especially young people who have not been vaccinated, so if not vaccinated, this is calling for more vaccination than ever before,” she says. I did.
Other news: “This virus finds all non-immune people”: A strong warning against the Mayo Doctor’s COVID delta mutant
Of the new cases in Minnesota 75% of them Delta variant.
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